Mark your calendars for service day 2016!! The event will be held October 1. The event will be held at Catholic Church of the Ascension. The address is: 12615 N Fountain Hills Blvd, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Planned Activities (so far)
Decorating shoeboxes for Shoebox Ministry
Working together on No-Sew Fleece blankets for Phoenix Children’s Hospital
Making Operation Gratitude Quick Deploy Paracord Bracelets
If you would like to donate Shoeboxes, paracord, or no-sew fleece kits please contact me by September 1, so I know how much in the way of donations we are receiving. Shoebox Ministry accepts donations as follows:
"Shoebox Ministry is always in need of toiletries. We gladly accept full-size, travel or hotel-sized items. Our most needed items are shampoo, deodorant, shaving cream, toothpaste, toothbrushes and disposable razors. Many of these items can be purchased for less than one dollar at your local Dollar Store, Big Lots or Walmart. When shopping for your own family, pick up some extra items to share with a family that desperately needs your help."
If your troop would like to donate items please deliver them the day of the event.
RSVPs must be in to Marissa by September 15th to participate.