
Monday, February 27, 2017

March Leader's Meeting Agenda

Reminder: Meetings will be held on March 13th.


Discussion: Higher Awards (Bronze, Silver, Gold) -- Lee

MSE Report -- Susan Rees
Cookie Questions/Survey -- Diana
Quick recaps of Dr. Doolittle, Thinking Day -- Diana
Leader's Recognition Event -- April 3 -- Michelle
Father/Daughter Dance -- Kate, 1736
Day Camp -- June 19-23, 2017 -- Diana, 2256


Leader's social tonight at Goldie's at 8:15
Encampment -- March 17-19 -- Lee, 2010 
Camp Basic -- April 1-2 -- Lee, 2010

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February Leader's Meeting Agenda


Discussion: Journeys: Do or Not to Do and How to Do

MSE Report -- Susan Rees
Troop Camp Certification 2 Opportunities -- Sandy/Lee
Thinking Day Registration Due Tonight
Camp Basic Registration Due Tonight
ASU Badge Day for Juniors
Recognitions -- Julie


Leader's social tonight at Goldie's at 8:15
**Dr. Doolittle -- February 18, 2 pm --- Diana, 2256 (SOLD OUT!)
TCC at Scottsdale Ranch Park -- February 25, 2017 -- Sandy 
Thinking Day -- February 26, 2017 -- Diana, 2256
Encampment -- March 17-19 -- Lee, 2010 
Camp Basic -- April 1-2 -- Lee, 2010
Leader's Recognition Event -- April 3
Father/Daughter Dance -- Kate, 1736
** Day Camp -- June 19-23, 2017 -- Diana, 2256

** Recruitment Activities