
Monday, December 16, 2019

Neighborhood Service T-shirts

This shirt is for ALL leaders and girls in grades 5 and up. Yes, that's right. Because I was so late in getting a new design out, I put fifth-grade troops on the shirt in anticipation of them bridging to Cadettes and joining the older girl ranks. 

Cost varies depending on the type of shirt ordered. Order new shirts if you've worn out your old one! 

Orders can be placed by families or troops through this link:


Banners Available for Purchase

Flutter flags for cookie sales!! The neighborhood is going to purchase some of these for use during recruitment and cookie sales. Troops will be able to check them out but if you want your own flag (and stand), let Diana know now. The cost will be $105/flag and they will come in black or white and come with the stand.  These should be great for getting customer's attention during cookie season.

Daisy First Cookie Booth Opportunities

Here are the links to sign up to try out cookie boothing with some older girls.  When you go to the links, you will see slots labelled Daisy Girl Scouts and Daisy Parents.  Here are the rules:
  • The expectation is that girls will attend for about 15 minutes to get just a taste of what it is like.  
  • Last year, girls chose to stay longer, and that is up to you when you are there.
  • A registered parent must attend with their Daisy.
  • Girls should come in uniform (white shirt, black bottoms, vest).
  • Daisies will receive a patch for attendance.
Because of privacy issues, I cannot make the sign ups public, please email Diana for the three sign up links if you don't have them.

If you are an older girl troop and would like to host Daisies at your cookie booths, please send Diana your sign up link. It would be enormously helpful if you formatted your sign ups the same was as the other troops.  Troops who host Daisies should expect to give basic boothing lessons and help Daisies ask for a sale.  In addition, you will need to provide me with a list of Daisies who attend so that I can ensure they receive their patch.

Please note, if you open up your booth to Daisies, you must still adhere to cookie booth staffing guidelines. No more than FOUR girls at a booth at any time.  Troops 2010 and 2256/4727 have opted to staff to a maximum of two older girls per booth to accommodate Daisy slots.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Annual Meeting 2020

We’re getting ready for the 2020 Annual Council Meeting! It will be held Saturday, April 25, 2020, starting at 8 am at the Parsons Leadership Center at South Mountain. If you are a Girl Scout aged 14 and older as of September 30, 2019, you can represent Pima at this meeting.  

We need 13 delegates for the meeting.

Please fill in this form if you would like to be a delegate: Pima Annual Meeting Delegates

Deadline to sign up is February 3rd.