
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Last Chance to Register for Encampment

Please reply directly to Lee (refer to email for her email address).

For troops 6th grade and up.

Last chance to register to go camping Halloween Weekend!

We're tent camping at Willow.  Archery/challenge course are available if requested.  We'll do our own cooking.  Price will be $15 + food (should be able to eat for $15-20 unless we decide on surf & turf) + challenge/archery.

We'll need to come up with something yummy for menus.

Some girls want to come up on Saturday morning so they can trick-or-treat on Friday, which is fine.  Or we can tell ghost stories at the campfire on Friday.  Program ideas are welcome or we can just hang out or hike.

Let me know if you weren't already signed up and want to go ASAP.  So far I have troops 2010, 1169, 1618, 1870 going.

If any older girls want to come up without their troop, they're welcome.
