
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Preliminary Cookie Information

Cookie Troop Product Manager Agreement

Remember troops must sign a separate Troop Product Manger Agreement for cookies.  Get a  head start, troops can start signing today.

Forward your receipt to Mary Cole after you have completed that step.

Cookie Training
November 17th: more information forthcoming

Cookie Booths

Early booth rounds: Troops may earn 2 early bird slots for selection on 11/24: One slot for early troop registration (July 1) and a second one for participation in the Fall Program.

All rounds start at 9:00 am
Round 1 -- 12/6
Round 2 -- 12/13
Round 3 -- 12/20
Round 4 -- 12/27
Final Round -- 1/3

Other Dates

Cookie Delivery 1/24 and 1/25
Cookie Cupboards Open 1/26-3/8