
Friday, August 28, 2015

Neighborhood Meeting Dates for 2015-2016

Mark your calendars to attend the monthly neighborhood meetings at the Boys and Girls Clubs located at 10515 E. Lakeview Drive, Scottsdale AZ 85258. You may attend either the 10 am meeting or the 7 pm meeting.

  • August 31 
  • October 5
  • November 1
  • December 7
  • January 11
  • February 1
  • March 14
  • May 2

You can also mark your calendar for the following special leader meetings:

  • November 16 -- Cookie training to be held at the same location, also at either 10 am or 7 pm.
  • April 4 -- Leader's Gala and Recognition Event, 7 pm, location to be announced

Other known dates for Girl Scout activities can be found by accessing the calendar to the right. Click on the link labelled "Neighborhood Calendar."