
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Pima Neighborhood Summer Day Camp

Pima Neighborhood's annual day camp will be held June 20-24, most likely at Desert Mountain High School.  Troop 2256 is organizing the week but can't do it without a lot of help!

Here's the scoop:
  • Girls in Grades K-5 should mark the dates on their calendar and look for a registration form after the February leader's meeting. Registration will be due in April and there will be a cap of 120 girls.  First come, first-served.
  • Girls in Grades 6-12 should contact us NOW so that you can help planning the camp.  We need 30 older-girl volunteers to run the camp. First-come, first-served.  We will be meeting as a group at least monthly starting in January (most likely on Sundays from 3 to 5).
  • If you are a leader of a troop of Daisies, Brownies, or Juniors, please let us know if you will be available as an adult volunteer.  We can't run the camp without adult volunteers to meet ratio.  There will be a discount for your Girl Scout to attend camp.
Contact our troop at

Olivia (Tinkerbell)
Serena (Firecracker/Genie)
Lacey (Spryte)
Brynne (Ducky)
Rebecca (Flipper)
and their leaders, Diana (Captain Hawkeye), Catherine, and Ariana (Twister)