
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Gift Wrapping Sign Up

The neighborhood has secured Sports Chalet for gift wrapping again this year.  It's a fun, easy way to make a few dollars for the troop or to get some service hours.  If you're interested, check your email for the sign up link. You can sign up as parent or leader/girl pairs or just sign up your daughter.  Girls should wear their vests when working the booth.  

Here's the Facebook post on the booth: 

Time to sign up for gift wrapping! Last year the girls who worked made about $11/hour for their troops. If you don't need money for your troop, you can wrap for service hours. Girls may sign up individually or leaders may sign up as a troop by contacting Hayl Daughtery. 
The booth will be open on the following dates and times for 2015! We need as much help as we can get. Message us with your times/dates.
12/12, 11am-7pm
12/13, 11am-7pm
12/14, 3pm-7pm (Tentative)
12/15, 3pm-7pm(Tentative)
12/16, 3pm-7pm(Tentative)
12/17, 3pm-7pm(Tentative)
12/18, 3pm-7pm
12/19, 10am-7pm
12/20, 10am-7pm
12/21, 10am-7pm
12/22, 10am-7pm
12/23, 9am-7pm
12/24, 8am-6pm (food provided all day!)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Annual Meeting Delegates

We’re getting ready for the 2016 Annual Council Meeting! It will be held Saturday, April 16, 2016 form 8 am until 2pm at a NEW LOCATION! The meeting will be at Chateau Luxe, 1175 E. Lone Cactus Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85024 ( 

If you are a Girl Scout aged 14 and older, you can represent Pima at this meeting.  We need 12 delegates for the meeting. Please send your name, address, email address, and troop number to by January 11, 2016.

Friday, December 4, 2015


Thinking Day 2016

WHAT: Each year on February 22, World Thinking Day, girls honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts by taking time to give thanks for their international friendships and remember that Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a global community—one of nearly 150 countries that are members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). 

WHEN & WHERE: February 21st, 1:30-4:30 pm
Horizon Park Community Center
15444 N. 100th St, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

COST: $1 per girl and includes a patch and passport.  No charge for leaders. 

ATTENDANCE LIMITATIONS: the space will only accommodate 150 participants.  Slots will be filled on a first-come, first-paid basis and then registration will be closed.  Please submit your check made out to Pima Neighborhood with the registration form below.

Please bring only leaders and co-leaders to meet Safetywise ratios. In most cases, that means no more than TWO adults should attend with a troop.  

DIRECTIONS: Each troop needs to pick a country and prepare (and decorate) a booth that includes information, a food, a craft, a SWAP, and a physical activity (game or song, generally) related to their country.  Girls will be issued passports to travel from booth to booth, so a stamp or sticker is needed to have to mark those passports.   Your country choice will be confirmed as soon as you turn in your registration form.


Set up: 1:30 to 2:00
Rotations: 2:00 to 4:00
Clean up: 4 to 430

The following countries have been claimed so far: Holland, Canada, France, Italy, England, South Korea, Germany, Egypt, China, and Russia

Attendance count: 105, plus about 20 adults


Troop #____________________ Level__________________________________

Leader Name______________________ Phone Number____________________ 

Leader Email_______________________________________________________ 

Number of Girls______________ X $1 = ________________________________ 
(Make checks payable to Pima Neighborhood) 

1st Country Choice________________2nd Country Choice__________________ 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December Agenda

Please bring any gently used items from last year's Thinking Day booth to share with another troop who may want to use them for this year's event (Swaps, boards, handouts...)

MSE Report
Sister Troops -- Last call for patch; $1 per patch
Presidential Volunteer Service Awards --  being ordered in December --Troop 1870
Gift Wrapping -- Troop 1870
Halloween Candy Donations quick report -- Diana
Vista del Camino Adopt a Family quick report -- Holly
Cookies Dates -- questions and updates;  2015 Patches 
Guided Hiking Tours for Girl Scouts -- Barbara

Garage Sale next month


Tonight!! Leader's social at Diana's.  Please join us at 8:15. Address was sent via email or check the service team roster.

Cookie Rally - January 8 -- Lee
Songfest - January 10 -- Lee
Thinking Day - February 21 -- Diana/Troop 2256  (Click link for registration form)
Leader's Gala - April 4 -- Michelle/Julie/Diana
Camp Basic - April 9-10 -- Troop 2010 
Annual Meeting Delegates - April 16 -- Diana
Spring Encampment at Willow Springs - April 29-May 1
Brownie Father/Daughter Dance - April/May -- Holly
Summer Day Camp - tentatively June 20-24 -- Troop 2256 and cast of thousands 
*Volunteer slots are filled but you can be put on a waitlist
Mother/Daughter Event - TBA - Kristen (366)

Level Break out to discuss troop trips