
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Gift Wrapping Sign Up

The neighborhood has secured Sports Chalet for gift wrapping again this year.  It's a fun, easy way to make a few dollars for the troop or to get some service hours.  If you're interested, check your email for the sign up link. You can sign up as parent or leader/girl pairs or just sign up your daughter.  Girls should wear their vests when working the booth.  

Here's the Facebook post on the booth: 

Time to sign up for gift wrapping! Last year the girls who worked made about $11/hour for their troops. If you don't need money for your troop, you can wrap for service hours. Girls may sign up individually or leaders may sign up as a troop by contacting Hayl Daughtery. 
The booth will be open on the following dates and times for 2015! We need as much help as we can get. Message us with your times/dates.
12/12, 11am-7pm
12/13, 11am-7pm
12/14, 3pm-7pm (Tentative)
12/15, 3pm-7pm(Tentative)
12/16, 3pm-7pm(Tentative)
12/17, 3pm-7pm(Tentative)
12/18, 3pm-7pm
12/19, 10am-7pm
12/20, 10am-7pm
12/21, 10am-7pm
12/22, 10am-7pm
12/23, 9am-7pm
12/24, 8am-6pm (food provided all day!)