
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Leader Awards

It's that time of year when we honor all of our fantastic leaders and give special recognition to those that have gone over and beyond to give their girls a fantastic experience and to contribute to the neighborhood. We need your help to point out those volunteers that deserve this special recognition. If you have anyone to nominate for the following awards, please let Julie Gregory know ASAP and she will tell you how to proceed!

Council Recognitions - nominations need to be completed and turned in by February 25

Appreciation Pin - This is given to a volunteer for outstanding service in at least one geographic area, neighborhood, or program delivery audience. ( previous recipients are Susan Vargas, Holly Snopko, Michelle Johns, and Maxia Webb)

Honor Pin - This pin is given to a volunteer for outstanding service in two geographic areas or program delivery audiences. ( previous recipient Julie Gregory)

Neighborhood Recognitions - these need to be turned in by March 7

Volunteer of Excellence - Given to a volunteer within a service unit who has contributed outstanding service while directly partnering with girls in support of the Girl Scout Mission. ( previous recipients are Michelle Johns, Mary Cole, Patricia Dallas, Diana Laulainen-Schein, Louise Turner, Jennifer Anderson, Laynee Langner, Brandy Altstadter, Susan Vargas, Holly Snopko, Jodi Weaver, Susan Butler, Catherine Bell & Sandy Stratton)

Year of Service Pin - given in 5-year increments for service given as a registered adult volunteer

Numeral Guard - given in 5-year increments to an individual for combined girl and adult years as a registered Girl Scout

3-Year Leader Pin - Given to volunteers who have served as a leader in Arizona Cactus Pine Council for 3 years