
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Fall Product Program

Troops wishing to participate in the Fall Product program need a Fall Product Manager to sign the following form:

Go to the bottom of the page.  This is an on-line form. Do not fill in the parent permission slip.  That will open as a pdf and is also linked to that page.

After signing the form, a receipt will be emailed to the product manager and that form can be forwarded to me at  Packets for your troop can then be picked up at any time.

If you were not at the leader's meeting, please let me know and I will also have a troop packet ready for pick up.

Important Dates

September 1: Emails may be entered into NutE 
October 1: Sale begins 
October 14: Presale ends, orders due to product manager
October 16: Presale orders entered into NutE
October 22-23: Product delivered to Diana and ready for pick up
November 6: Sale ends