
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

October Leader's Meeting: PLEASE NOTE TIME/DATE CHANGE

Because of Rosh Hashanah/school holiday on October 3rd, we've made an adjustment to the leader's meeting.  I apologize that it is still not perfect but because of Fall Break, it is the best we could do.

The October leader's meetings will be held:
MONDAY, October 3, at 7 pm.
TUESDAY, October 4, at 10 am

Both meetings will still be at the Boys and Girls Club.


MSE Report -- Registration
Service Day Wrap up -- October 1, 9-12 -- Marissa
Fall Product -- Diana (NutE info, packets, dates)
Recruitment Review -- School Coordinators/Diana
Scholarship -- Julie
Halloween Candy Collection -- Diana
Vista del Camino -- Holly


Leader's social tonight at Scottsdale Beer Company, 8:15

Encampments -- October 21-23 -- Lee
                         March 17-19
First Aid -- October 25 -- Julie
** Juliette Low Birthday Party  - October 29 -- Stacey
SongFest -- November 10, 2016 -- Terri
Outdoor Cooking -- November 12, 2016 -- Lee
Cookie Rally -- January 6, 2017 -- Marilyn
Thinking Day -- February 26, 2017 - Diana
Father/Daughter Dance -- Pat
** Day Camp -- June 2016 -- Diana

** Recruitment Activities