
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Leader's Awards 2017

Lee Kline and Diana Laulainen-Schein were each awarded the Girl Scout Appreciation Pin at the volunteer appreciation tea on April 22, 2017.

Emiko Bolton and Michelle Rigbsy were awarded the Volunteer of Excellence pin for their service to Pima Neighborhood.

The following women were recognized for their years in Girl Scouts at the Leader Dinner on April 3, 2017:

Emi Bolton (Troop 1627) – 3-Year Leader Pin, 5 Years of Service Pin & 5-year Member Numeral

Barbara Rodriquez (Troop 1710) – 3-Year Leader Pin, 5 Years of Service Pin & 10-Year Membership Numeral

Ashlye Kennedy (Troop 2649) 5 Years of Service Pin & 10-Year Membership Numeral

Melissa Pelock  (Troop 1627) – 3-Year Leader Pin

Sherrie Noll (Troop 83) – 20-Year Membership Numeral

Richelle Hopkins (Troop 1710) – 3-Year Leader Pin

Julie Gregory – 45 Years of Service Pin & 50-Year Membership Numeral

The following women were not able to attend, but will be receiving their pins at the May Leader Meeting:

Kate Janson (Troop 1736)– 3-Year Leader Pin

Diana Day (Troop 1736)- 10-year Membership Numeral

Starr Vinyard (Troop 1736) – 5-Year Membership Numeral

Sarah Suraci (Troop 1736) 3-Year Leader Pin & 5-Year Membership Numeral