
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September Leader's Agenda


Treats courtesy of Opus Orthodontics
New Leader Welcome and Introductions

Enrichment: Forms 101, Sandy

MSE Report -- Susan Rees
       Founders Challenge: Campaign for Girls in Arizona

Recruitment 2017 -- Diana/School Organizers
Sock Drive -- Lee
Scholarship -- Susan/Pat
Event Planning 2017-2018 -- Diana 
  • Seeking Father/Daughter Dance
  • April or May Events?
Finance Reports -- Pat/Stacey

Reminders from Last Month

Super Troop Tshirt -- Diana, will order in October when registration is complete
Neighborhood Travel -- June 3-10 -- Teresa
Volunteer Recognition -- November 2017, deadline October 1


September 11: Leader's social at Goldies, 8:15 pm

Community Service Day -- September 30 -- Stacey, 1578
First Aid Course -- October 11 -- Susan 
Encampment -- October 20-22 -- Lee, 2010
TCC 2 Training -- October 21 at Willow Springs
**Juliette Low Birthday Party -- October 28 -- Diana/Teresa, 2256
Songfest -- November 3 --Terri
Cookie Rally -- January 12 -- Marilyn/Maria
**Sleeping Beauty, Fountain Hills Theater -- February 18 -- Diana, 2256
Thinking Day -- February 25 -- Diana, 2256
Encampment -- March 2-4 -- Lee, 2010
Leader's Gala -- April 7
Neighborhood Cruise to Alaska -- June 3-10 -- Teresa
Day Camp: Myths and Legends -- June -- Troop 2256