
Monday, May 6, 2019

Share the Adventure

The council has a patch program for girls who step up to help with recruitment efforts.  The patch has rockers to be earned.  For Pima troops, this is an easy process because of how we recruit.

Te review their guidelines, click here.

To earn all the main patch, do two of the following:

1. Attend one of our Pima recruitment activities (pool party, ice skating, ice cream social, or bowling).

2. Post a photo of any Girl Scout activity on social media, tagging it with @GSACPC. Notify Susan Rees when you share a media story and also email

3. Create a marketing material for any school recruitment event (posterboard, video, or other display). (Please coordinate your efforts with the school organizer at your school of choice.)

4. Set up an information table at any of Pima's recruitment activities to answer girl and parent questions. (Please let Diana know if you want to do this at an event.)

5. Create your own recruitment event or marketing idea.  Ideas should make Girl Scouts visible in the community and/or encourage girls to join Girl Scouts.

Additional Rockers are available.

HOLIDAY ROCKER: Host or assist at a Girl Scout Holiday event, such as Juliette Low Birthday Party, Thinking Day, Girl Scout Week, or Leader Appreciation Day (Ninja Night).

EXTRAVAGANZA ROCKER: Plan a service area recruitment event. (Already being planned: Ice Skating (2256), Pool Party (83), Cosmic Bowling (1612), Ice Cream Social (need a troop to host!), Juliette Low Birthday (4402).

Girls can also assist back-to-school nights at their school to complete this requirement.

EXPERIENCE ROCKER: Invite a non- Girl Scout to a Girl Scout meeting or event to check it out.

PRIDE ROCKER: Attend a public event in Girl Scout uniform (Flag ceremony, award ceremony, parade, etc.)

Get your patches by filling in the application form here: adventure