
Monday, October 21, 2019

Basic Flag Ceremony

Basic Flag Ceremony Commands 

Posting the colors

Girl Scouts, Attention
      (Girl Scouts stand quietly and remove all headwear; this is a signal the ceremony is about to start. At camp, we generally have a quiet arch.  When passing through the arch, remove your headgear and remain silent.)
Color Guard, Attention
     (If the color guard is standing “at ease,” it comes to “attention.”)
Color Guard, Advance
     (Color guard carries the flag(s) towards flag pole or stand.)
Color Guard, Post the Colors
     (Audience should place their hands on their hearts when the American flag hits the stand and/or the first clip is attached to the American flag; the American flag is always posted first.)
Color Guard, Salute the Colors
     (Color Guard should salute the colors and then remain silent throughout the pledge and promise.)
Please join me in the Pledge of Allegience
     (Color Guard does not recite the pledge; they remain at attention with their full focus on the flags.)
Please join me in the Girl Scout Promise
     (Color Guard does not recite the promise; they remain at attention with their full focus on the flags.)
Color Guard, Retreat
     (Color Guard retreats but remains at attention until dismissed. At camp, this is where we would have announcments.)
Color Guard, Dismissed
Girl Scouts, Dismissed

Retiring the colors

Girl Scouts, Attention
     (Girl Scouts stand quietly and remove all headwear; this is a signal the ceremony is about to start. At camp, we generally have a quiet arch.  When passing through the arch, remove your headgear and remain silent.)
Color Guard, Attention
      (If the color guard is standing “at ease,” it comes to “attention.”)
Color Guard, Advance
We will now sing "Taps"
     (Color Guard remains at attention and does not sing.)
Color Guard, Honor your Colors
     (Color Guard should salute the colors) 
Color Guard, Retire the Colors
     (Color Guard retrieves the colors and folds the flags if on a pole. If posted, the American flag is retrieved first.)
Color Guard, Retreat
     (Color Guard retreats but remains at attention until dismissed. At camp, this is where we would have announcments.)
Color Guard, Dismissed
Girl Scouts, Dismissed