
Friday, August 14, 2020

Pima Book Clubs

Pima is going to try something new (again).

Book Clubs!
To make this happen, I need a volunteer at each level (Brownie through Ambassador) to offer to lead the group.  This lead will facilitate book selection and set up zoom meetings.  I think a goal of one meeting for an hour every two months is reasonable.

Please let me know if you are interested in leading a level.  I think the lead role will be mostly organizational at the upper levels; girls should be leading these groups after we get started in the Cadette/Senior/Ambassador levels.

Join here!


Daisy Lead: Tiffany (Adult chaperone: Diana)
     The Daisy book club will be story time with an art project.

Brownie Lead: Amiya (Adult lead: Kelley Hurley)
Junior Leads:  Ella and Sarah (Adult chaperone: Diana)
Cadette Lead: (adult/girl combo would be good here)
Senior Lead: Ashley Banghart (girl lead) (Adult lead: Cinnamon Conrad)
Ambassador Lead: Abby and Ella (Adult chaperone: Diana)
Adult Lead: 

Here is a list of books that were suggested we read in groups. If you have other title ideas, email them to me and I will update this list.

Brownies: Little House on the Prairie, Brownie Mystery Books, Mercy Watson, Roscoe Riley
Cadettes: My Path to the Stars, Skyward
Seniors: Animal Farm, To Kill a Mockingbird
Ambassadors: Educated by Tara Westover
Adults: How the Girl Guides Won the War, Between Shades of Gray

The Scottsdale library also offers these titles for book clubs to check out.

This is potentially the best route to go but I will leave that to each level to decide.  Level leaders likely would need to check the book box out and arrange for girls/adults to pick up the titles. As always, my house in an option for pick ups and returns.