
Monday, December 7, 2020

December Service Project: Virtual Hug

Who: All Pima Girl Scouts

What: A holiday video sending a “virtual hug” to family, friends, etc. who we won’t be able to see this holiday season


Where: Record a short video (no longer than 15 seconds): “I am looking forward to:__________”  (thinking of something they will do once it is safe in the future – ex. visiting grandparents, celebrating birthdays with friends, camping with Girl Scouts, etc).

AND Take a photo with a picture that you’ve drawn (8X10 or larger). Include a heart on your drawing. Include your name and troop number in the email – no names in video or picture.


When: Videos and pictures due by Tuesday, December 15, 2020

(submit follow-up form for patches by December 31st)

Troop 4361 will compile the segments into one longer video and return the finished product to the participants for dissemination.


 Submit videos and pictures to