
Monday, April 18, 2022

Pima Neighborhood Girl Recognition

Pima Neighborhood

Girl Recognition 

Wednesday, May 4, 6:30-7:30 pm
 Laguna Elementary School Cafeteria

Pima is proud to host its seventh girl recognition event. If you have girls who have earned the Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award or are seniors in high school, please invite them to this event. This is an opportunity for you to present their awards (that you have purchased) or to publicly acknowledge their accomplishments. Pima will provide flowers for Ambassador bridgers and Gold Award recipients. There will be a reception for girls and their supporting troops and families.

Girls who have earned their Gold Award should plan to bring their gold notebook and board to the event. 

If you have a girls who are in eighth, tenth, or twelfth grade, they may bridge at this event.  All girls will bridge together with girls from other troops in their grade.  Please send me a list of names of girls who are bridging. 

This is a formal, "uniform" event.  Please ask your girls to wear white shirts and black bottoms plus a vest or sash.

For the program, I need the following:
  • Troop #
  • Correct spelling of all girls' names
  • A list of awards.  We recognize "metal" awards earned in since the beginning of the current Girl Scout year. "Metal" awards include Presidential Service Awards, service bars and leadership torches, as well as the Bronze, Silver, and Gold awards.  If you wish to recognize other accomplishments, please check with Diana.  
  • A complete record of neighborhood event volunteer service to the neighborhood by each girl.
Graduating Seniors! Please to submit a headshot (in uniform).

You may also email this information to
Deadline for submission is April 27
Absolutely NO Exceptions
If information is not submitted by April 27, it will not be included in the program