
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Banking Review

For an overview of money management, please refer to the council booklet.

Neighborhood Events

Here is the budget form that you should be using if you are planning a neighborhood event with your troop.

Here is a guide booklet that you should consult when planning a neighborhood event.  Neighborhood events should be designed to "break even," but the neighborhood will cover reasonable shortfalls.

All money paid in for any neighborhood event should go through the neighborhood account (for example, day camp, encampments, Juliette Low birthday, Father/Daughter dance).  You may not ask for payments to go into your troop account.  Save receipts and Lesley will reimburse you for expenses. 

Parents can Venmo to Diana's phone number, which is linked to the neighborhood bank account.  This route is used for neighborhood events that are being attended and paid for by girls/families individually, such as CPR/First Aid training, day camp, or theater events.  

Troops cannot use Venmo to pay out, therefore your only option is to pay by troop check to Pima Neighborhood.  This route is used for events attended by troops as groups (for example, Thinking Day, cookie rally)

You cannot take money from parents, put it in your bank account, and use your own Venmo account or write a personal check for payment.  All Girl Scout monies must go through the troop account.

Checks can go to the event organizer, Lesley (neighborhood money manager), or Diana (neighborhood manager), but they all ultimately go to Lesley.

If you drop off a check at Diana's, please do NOT put it in the mailbox.  This is illegal and my mailman has requested we comply.  You can put it under the doormat at the front door.

Troop Events

The same basic rules apply.  If you are not paying with troop funds for an event, parents may pay you via Venmo (as long as your troop account is linked to your Venmo account) or they can write a check to the troop.

To pay for troop events, you can use your troop debit card or you can pay with your own credit card and reimburse yourself with a troop check.

Remember that you should be tracking troop expenses via your detailed cash report and saving your receipts.  You will report all income and expenses at the end of the year in your Troop Financial Report.