
Sunday, September 11, 2022

Girl Scout Basics

The Girl Scout slogan is “Do a good turn daily.” 

The Girl Scout motto is “Be prepared.” 

The idea of the Girl Scout Sign, three fingers held up on the right hand, came from the days of chivalry, when armed knights greeted friendly knights by raising the right hand, palm open, as a sign of friendship. 

The left-handed handshake represents friendship because the left hand is closer to the heart than the right. Girl Scouts shake their left hands while making the Girl Scout sign with their right hand. 

The Girl Scout Trefoil has three leaves. Each leaf in the traditional or contemporary Girl Scout trefoil stands for a part of the Girl Scout Promise:

1. To serve God and my country

2. To help people at all times

3. To live by the Girl Scout Law. 

The Girl Scout Quiet Sign is a way to silence a crowd without shouting at anyone. The sign is made by holding up the right hand with all five fingers extended. It refers to the original Fifth Law of Girl Scouting: A Girl Scout is courteous.


Make New Friends

Brownie Smile Song


(Great site, find more Girl Scout favorites here: