
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Top Three (+) No-no's During Cookie Season

 1. Raspberry Rallies are only available via shipped orders.  No buying to re-sell at booths or door-to-door or whatever else you might think is a good idea.  Any plan to resell them is a big, fat "NO."  Troop proceeds are forfeit if you violate this rule.

2. No selling at the Open of the Superbowl. Any plan to subvert this rule is also a big fat "NO." Troop proceeds are forfeit if you violate this rule.  

3. No Venmo.  Venmo is not to be used in any way for cookie sales.  You may NOT use it for personal sales or at cookie booths.  Just pretend it doesn't exist as far as cookie sales go.  Please use Digital Cookie for personal sales and Clover Go for booths.

Please remember that cookie money MUST be deposited into the TROOP ACCOUNT.  Under no circumstances should any cookie money ever go into a personal account.  It's not ok to deposit cash into your account and then write a check/Venmo to the troop!!! PLEASE please read that again. This is not ok for you and it's not ok for parents.  They have to turn in the cash they receive.

Here's the official "blurb" from the cookie manual on money handling:

Troop Bank Deposits

Properly handling cookie money is critical for a successful Troop Cookie Program. Please follow these simple, but effective steps: 

» Deposit cookie money into your troop account weekly (or more often). 
» Only deposit money into the troop bank account. Don’t ‘mingle’ Girl Scout money with personal money. 
» Provide parents with a signed receipt when collecting money (and checking out cookies). » Regularly verify account balance and deposits with bank records. 
» Confirm there are sufficient funds for ACH debits.