Monday, December 15, 2014

Thinking Day

Pima Neighborhood 

Each year on February 22, World Thinking Day, girls honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts by taking time to give thanks for their international friendships and remember that Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a global community—one of nearly 150 countries that are members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). 

February 22nd, 1:30-4:30 pm Mountain View Park Community Center
8625 E Mountain View Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85258

Cost is $1 per girl and includes a patch and passport.

Each troop needs to pick a country and prepare (and decorate) a booth that includes information, a food, a craft, a SWAP, and a physical activity (game or song, generally) related to their country.  Girls will be issued passports to travel from booth to booth, so a stamp or sticker is needed to have to mark those passports.   Your country choice will be confirmed as soon as you turn in your registration form (sent via email).

The following countries have been claimed so far: Switzerland, New Zealand, Egypt, Spain, Greece, China, Canada, Japan, Italy, England, Holland, India, Russia, Mexico, Ireland, France, USA, Germany, Scotland, and Colombia.

Attendance count so far (check back for updates): 178

Vista del Camino Wrap Up

Leaders & Families,

Thank you for participating in the Vista del Camino holiday Adopt-a-Family program.  Pima and Indian Bend neighborhoods sponsored 55 children this year, ensuring 30 families have a very special holiday to remember.  Additionally, we are instilling in our girls the spirit of Girl Scouting, which is to make the world a better place.

May we continue to teach courage, confidence, and character, shaping tomorrow's leaders!
Happy Holly-days, :-)

Monday, December 8, 2014

December Agenda Items



Boys and Girls Club Tax Credit
Jenny's Notes - Jenny 
     Songfest Wrap Up - Lee
Vista del Camino Wrap up - Holly
      Cookies - Mary


Tonight 8 pm, Chili’s Social

      First Aid and CPR – January 8, 9 pm, Congregational Church, $40 due 12/8 - Julie 
Cookie Rally - January 23 - Lee
Thinking Day - February 22 at Mountain View Park Community Center - Diana
Encampment - Feb 27-Mar 1 at Marapai -Lee
Camp Basic - March 21-22 - Lee
Junior Father/Daughter Dance - April 10 - Louise and Lisa
Brownie Father/Daughter Dance - April 24? - Holly
     Leader's Gala  - May 4th – Diana and Michelle
Daisy Father/Daughter Dance - May 8th, MMS -Susan B
Older Girl Recognition Event - May 11th - Diana and Michelle

Gift Wrapping

It will be held at the Sport Chalet on Raintree in Scottsdale

Any Pima Girl Scout of any age who wants to help may sign up (but no more than 2 Daisies or Brownies can work at the same time for supervision purposes)
o             Girls do not need to sign up with their troop. 
o             Girls may sign up without an adult if we have enough adults scheduled.  
o             They are expected to wear jeans or khakis and a white shirt or Girl Scout shirt and their sash/vest. 
o             Santa hats, reindeer antlers, and other holiday silliness is encouraged!

To sign up, email Hayleigh (email provided at neighborhood meeting)

I have included the hours below, but since I know neighborhood meetings are short on time, I would assume you can just announce “from the 12th to the 24th.”

Thank you so much!
Troop 009
Saturday 12/13 – 11-7
Sunday 12/14 – 11-7
Monday 12/15 – 3-7
Tuesday 12/17 – 3-7
Weds 12/18 – 3-7
Thurs 12/18 – 3-7
Friday 12/19 – 10-7
Saturday 12/20 – 10-7
Sunday 12/21 – 10-7
Monday 12/22 – 10-7
Tuesday 12/23 – 10-7
Weds 12/24 – 7-9

Annual Meeting Delegates Needed

Arizona Cactus Pines is getting ready for the 2015 Annual Council Meeting!  

It will be held on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at the Sheraton Downtown Phoenix from 8 am to 2 pm.

 If you are a Girl Scout aged 14 and older, you can represent Pima at this meeting.  Please send your name, address, email address, and troop number to

Boys and Girls Tax Credit Information

We believe every child deserves a GREAT FUTURE, and great futures start with YOUR support. To make a dollar for dollar donation, that will be matched by the Legacy Foundation,  please click on the link below. 

Please Note: Under referred by name, please type Cathy Cabezas. Thanks so much for your support!