Hey moms and daughters: join girl scouts of all ages from our Pima Neighborhood for an afternoon of fun!
WHEN? Sunday, April 17
TIME? 1 – 3 pm
WHO? Any registered Girl Scout in the Pima Neighborhood ~ Daisies to High School
HOW MUCH? $19 per person which includes one bumper boat ride, one go-cart ride, one round of mini-golf plus snacks and beverages.
NO REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED THE DAY OF THE EVENT. This form plus payment is due by April 4, 2016.
***All participants must be pre-registered***
PHONE NUMBER:________________________________________________
$19 X ____________ = $______________________
(number in attendance) (amount due)
Please make checks out to “Pima Neighborhood”
Mail completed form and payment to
Kristen Macneil
(address sent via email)
Questions? Please email Kristen (email address sent via email)