In a effort to streamline Financial Reports this year, Council is requesting that all Financial Reports be completed on line. To do this, you must log onto the Girl Scouts Arizona Cactus-Pines website and go to "My GS." Once logged in, select "Volunteer Toolkit" and then "Finances." The online form will then load to fill in.
The Financial Form (MS-23) can be found in "Forms Library." It is not a mandatory requirement this year to complete your detailed cash summary or include your bank statement. However, you should know all your income and expenses for this current year; random audits will occur. Please keep copy of your MS-23 and your bank statement. I will accept hard copies to submit should you feel more comfortable. Stacy and I will be receiving a report from council of Troop reports filed and not filed.
Troop Finance reporting is a condition of auditing and must occur yearly. Due dates for Troop Finance Reports should be turned in at time of troop renewal. GSACPC is requesting all reports must be submitted to them by September.
I strongly suggest that you complete your MS-23 by end of May. It is the completion of your Girl Scout Year, and your year's accomplishments are fresh in your mind.
email to: banking@girlscoutsaz.org
You may email me with any questions,
Pat Dallas