Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Back to School Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteer opportunity for girls ages 14 and up and adults:

Back to School 2017

The City of Scottsdale Back-to-School program provides backpacks, school supplies, clothing, and shoes for up to 1,000 Scottsdale school children in need of assistance. Volunteers are needed before the event to prepare items and after the event to pack up remaining items. 

Pre-Event Work:  We need volunteers to help sort and bundle supplies, sort backpacks and clothing, inventory and prepare items for the event.  This happens from June 14 - July 14.

BTS Event:  Wednesday July 26

Post-Event Work:  We need volunteers to take inventory and pack up the remaining school supplies and clothing.  This happens from July 31 - August 24.

Most volunteer sessions will take place at Vista del Camino Center, 7700 E Roosevelt St, Scottsdale, AZ 85257. There is ample parking behind the building.

Please wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes.

We ask that volunteers be 14 years of age or older. If under 18, please come with a responsible adult. 

We appreciate any time you can give!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Pima Neighborhood Community Service Day

Date:  Saturday Sept 30th, 2017 

Time:  9:45AM-11:15AM 

Location:  Mountain View Community Center
                 8625 E. Mountain View Road
                 Multi use Room #1&2

RSVP: BY Sept 22nd to
Leaders please attend so ratio is met; Girl Scouts only (ie.
no siblings please as room size is limited to GS girls
anticipated to attend). You are not required to stay for the full time.  You can work on a project and arrive/leave at your leisure.

Troops from neighborhoods other than Pima who are interested in participating may do so for a nominal fee of $1 per girl.  Please pre-register and make checks out to Pima Neighborhood. 


 Making No-Sew Fleece Blankets (Part of Gold GS Project)

In conjunction with Caitlyn Lopez’s Gold Award Project that is supporting an animal shelter (Caitlyn will
have information on site and work with the girls to create the blankets)

 Making Bean Bags (Part of Silver GS Project)

In conjunction with Hannah Dempsey’s Silver Award Project that is supporting an arts/crafts supply
closet for special needs children (Hannah will work with the girls to put these together and will have
information about her project)

 Coloring/creating place mats for donation to Meals on Wheels Organization

 Make Animal Enrichment items with a Halloween theme for the Phoenix Zoo. Items range from

painted paper bags (easy= Daisy) to paper mache pinata’s (moderate to difficult= Junior and up maybe?) Zoo
will receive items and put animal’s favorite snacks in them and give them to the animals as enrichment items.

 Make/assemble Animal toy for shelter (tennis ball with braid t-shirt material attachment)

 Card Making/Note writing = front line responders and families in shelters in areas affected by the natural


 Sock Drive/Collection for Family Promise Hygiene Kits

Troop 2010 is collecting NEW socks to donate to Family Promise’s event Hot Dogs and Homeless Kits.
We will be collecting at service day and the next neighborhood meeting on October 2nd

 As you can imagine, the zoo is pretty specific and particular about what can be used for the safety of the animals. 

We can use about: 
  •       100 lunch bags 
  •        50 small boxes (shoe size) 
  •        20 large boxes (banana/apple box) 
  •        20 egg cartons 
  •       20 paper Jack-O-Lanterns
  •       NEWSPAPERS

Additional Items for making animal piñatas:  

◾On Cardboard or thick paper boxes
All staples, tape, string, glue and glossy paper must be removed

◾Paper bags, butcher paper, newsprint, paper plates  
Again, no tape or glossy paper

◾Paper towels rolls, mailing tubes, wrapping paper tubes.

◾Elmer’s or Children’s White Glue – children’s non-toxic

◾Tempera Paint  - children’s non-toxic

◾Raffia string/ribbon – untreated or dyed

Thank you for your donations!