Cake will be served and Christopher the Magician will perform and then teach the girls simple magic tricks. Each girl will receive a magician's goodie bag and a fun participation patch!
Because of this special event with Christopher, we MUST have RSVPs to ensure all girls receive a magician's goodie bag.
Cost is $5 per girl (no charge for leaders). Checks should be made out to Pima Neighborhood. Troops will be issued a refund of up to $4 per girl after the event for those who attend.
As always, for the safety of the girls, unregistered adults should not attend. In addition, please avoid bringing tagalongs if at all possible.
Girls need to bring water bottles to this and every event.

All troops are welcome, but activities are geared for Daisies and Brownies. If you have an older girl troop that would like to help run the game activities, please contact us.
Juliette Low is the founder of Girl Scouts. She was born on October 31, 1860 in Savannah, Georgia.
Please email for further information.
TROOP #________________________
LEADER NAME_________________________
LEADER EMAIL______________________________
LEADER PHONE #_____________________________
NUMBER OF GIRLS ATTENDING__________________________