Monday, March 3, 2025


Camp B.A.S.I.C. 2025

Brownie-Aged Skills and Interest Camping

April 5-6, 2025 


Campers: Brownie and Junior troops, grades 2-5.

Staff: Cadettes and older, grades 6+


Learn how to camp and have fun!

Fire SafetyTents, Outdoor Cooking, SWAPS, Knife Safety, Knots, Leave No Trace, Songs, First AidNavigation, and more!


Usury Mountain Park, north of Mesa.


Saturday April 5, 12pm through Sunday April 6, 10am.


$45, which includes all meals, snacks, training, SWAPS, crafts, and patch.

Late registration after March 31:  $60.   Sorry, no refunds can be issued.


Fill out the Camp B.A.S.I.C. online registration form.    

Make troop check to Pima Neighborhood or venmo Diana (mark payment Camp BASIC). 

Submit payment and a troop roster to Lee, or Lee, c/o RSI, PO Box 22400, Tempe AZ 85285-2400.  

The roster must contain all adults and girls who are attending and must include an emergency contact not at camp!   Also include girls’ age, allergy/dietary issues.

Camp B.A.S.I.C. is sponsored by Troop 2010 and is staffed by Pima Neighborhood Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts.  Please contact Troop 2010 at with any questions.

Pima Fall Encampment

Pima Fall Encampment
at Willow Springs
September 26-28, 2025

Camp Flyer:

For troops grades 3 and up
Grades 1-2 can come for the day!

$60 per person + program fees
includes Saturday breakfast & dinner and Sunday breakfast and a patch 

Register for fall encampment here!

Registration due:  8/18/2025
Late registration add $15 if available

Planned Activities:  Archery, Slingshot, Challenge Course (tentative, grades 6+), Mountain Biking, Saturday campfire, SWAPs, lots of fun!

Accommodations:  Various cabins and buildings. We’ll assign sites the week before camp.

Camp Flyer:

Questions:  Email Lee at

Sunday, March 2, 2025

March News

Babysitter's List 2024-2025
Babysitters: Sign up here.
Parents: Access Girl Scout babysitters here.

2024-2025 CALENDAR

Community Service: Jared Boxes
Recommended Troop Activity: McDowell Sonoran Preserve Family Day
March 22, Gold Award Ceremony
March 30, 1:30 pm, Daisy Badge Day

April 5-6, Camp B.A.S.I.C.
April 7, Leader's Gala
April 12, Bronze/Silver Ceremony
April 26, 9 am, Mother/Daughter Tea 
April 26, Annual Meeting
April 30, Older Girl Bridging


June 2-6, Day Camp
June 9-13, Robotics Camp


Friday, February 28, 2025

Techalongs head to Worlds!

The Techalongs, FIRST Tech Challenge Team 17062, a group of nine dedicated Girl Scouts, have won the prestigious Inspire Award at the Arizona State Championship, securing their place at the upcoming FIRST Tech Challenge World Championship in Houston from April 16-19, 2025.​ They are one of just three teams to represent Arizona in the competition.

The Techalongs, composed of Girl Scouts from troops 2010, 2256, 4727, 4338, 7076, and 4202, range in age from 12 to 18. These young innovators represent a diverse set of schools, including ​Arizona Agribusiness and Equine Center, Scottsdale Preparatory, BASIS Scottsdale, Cheyenne, Copper Ridge, Desert Mountain, Sunrise Middle School, and Desert Canyon Middle School.

The Inspire Award is the highest honor in FIRST Tech Challenge, recognizing teams that exemplify excellence in robot design, engineering, teamwork, and community outreach. Winning this award reflects The Techalongs’ dedication to STEM education,

leadership, and service, embodying the core values of both FIRST and the Girl Scouts. In addition to their competitive success, the Techalongs are passionate advocates for women in STEM. They regularly hold badge workshops ​ and run a summer camp ​for young Girl Scouts​ to inspire the next generation of female engineers and innovators. The team is also proud to be FIRST Like a Girl and m.e. (menstrual equity) FIRST Ambassadors, furthering their mission to support and mentor young women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

The Techalongs have not only built an impressive robot to address the challenges of this year’s game, “Into the Deep,” but have also engaged in community outreach by mentoring a FIRST Lego League team​ and promoting FIRST in the​ir school and Girl Scout communit​ies throughout the year. As they prepare for the World Championship in Houston, they continue to fundraise and refine their engineering skills to compete against top teams from around the globe.

For those interested in supporting the Techalongs on their journey to the World Championship, please follow their progress on

About FIRST Tech Challenge: FIRST Tech Challenge is an international robotics competition where teams design, build, and program robots to complete specific challenges. The program emphasizes teamwork, innovation, and real-world problem-solving, preparing students for future careers in STEM fields.

Mother’s Day Tea 2025

Mother’s Day Tea 2025

Mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, and dear friends of all ages are welcome!

Tea and brunch fare will be served.  

Lots of fun activities, games, and a chance to win prizes!

When: Saturday, April 26 2025, 9:30-10 a.m.

Where: Granite Reef Senior Center, 1700 N Granite Reef Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85257


  • In advance: $4 with donation* ($6 without donation)
  • At the door: $7 with donation* ($9 without donation)
Sign up here.

Payment: Checks should be made out to Pima Neighborhood, or parents may Venmo. Troops may not pay via Venmo. 

*Accepting donations of full-size personal hygiene products (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body lotion, soap bars) for women in residence at Sojourner Center

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Pima Jammin'

From April 17 to 19th, Pima Neighborhood presents "Pima Camp Jammin,'" The ULTIMATE "glamping" camping experience at Parson's Leadership Center at South Mountain! 

Get ready for a weekend of outdoor fun and exploration with friends. Our theme this year will be "The Great Girl Scout Cookie Mystery!"

Note that we will have camp Thurs-Sat because of the Easter holiday.  We will offer no-meat meals on Friday for those who observe.

Younger girls may register as an individual or troop. Older girls must register individually.

Younger girls will arrive Friday, April 18th between 8:30-9am.
Older girls are to arrive Thursday April 17th between 4-6pm.
Camp is over at 9:30am Saturday, April 19th.

More info and sign up here!

Please email with any and all questions.  -- Sass

Monday, February 3, 2025

Open Robotics Lab

The Techalongs are available every Sunday in March from 12 to 3 for badge workshops or just for your troop to drop in and do a Meet and Greet (about an hour).  We are keeping our lab assembled for these visits until April!  Come on in to drive robots, earn a badge, learn some code, or learn about the engineering design process.

Sign up here and let us know whether you'd like to just do a troop visit (requirement for Showcasing Robots badges) or if you'd like to earn a badge.  Visit length will depend on what you want to do.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Cookies for the Military

Troop donations for the military can be dropped off at Diana's house from February 24th to March 15th.
Small donations (less than 3 cases) can be left at my front door, just let me know you are coming. Please do not place them directly in front of the door; this is a tripping hazard.

Large donations: email ahead so that we can transfer them directly into the garage. (Addresses and emails are on the neighborhood roster or in the private Facebook group).

Please bring your cookies in the right cases! Even if it is just one box, please bring all cookies in the right case.  The donations will be in the thousands and the base needs to pallet them up for the journey. We need full cases in the right boxes to do that. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

February News

Annual Meeting (voting)

Leader Recognitions Survey 


Robotics Workshops through March 30: Come play in our robotics lab every Sunday in March!

STEM Speaker Series Request

Jared Boxes

Troop Cookies for the Community


Babysitter's List 2024-2025
Babysitters: Sign up here.
Parents: Access Girl Scout babysitters here.

2024-2025 CALENDAR

February 7-9, Council Outdoor Skills Weekend
February 21-22, Robotics State Championship in Prescott
February 23, Thinking Day hosted by Troop 4338

Community Service: Jared Boxes
Recommended Troop Activity: McDowell Sonoran Preserve Family Day
March 2, Cookie Sale Ends
March 22, Gold Award Ceremony
March 29-30 Camp B.A.S.I.C.

April 7, Leader's Gala
April 12, Bronze/Silver Ceremony
April 18-20, Pima Camp Jammin' at Parson's
April 26, 9 am, Mother/Daugther Tea 
April 30, Older Girl Bridging


June 2-6, Day Camp
June 9-13, Robotics Camp

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Pima Girl Scout focuses on Mental Health for Gold Award

Gold Award Candiate Samantha has focused on mental health awareness for her project.  She has written the following article explaining the importance of her topic. 

Mindfulness Where it Matters

In a post-pandemic world, the mental health challenges faced by children have become increasingly urgent. COVID-19 amplified stress, anxiety, and depression among youth, with the U.S. National Library of Medicine identifying the virus as a "universal stressor" that has intensified mental distress. Compounding this issue, excessive social media use has created further strain, with children and adolescents who spend over three hours daily online doubling their risk of mental health problems, including depression and anxiety. 

The challenges faced by children are not limited to Arizona but extend across the United States and globally. According to the World Health Organization, 10% to 20% of children and adolescents worldwide experience mental health disorders, with anxiety and depression being the most common. During the pandemic, emergency department visits for mental health-related concerns among children aged 5 to 11 in the United States. rose by 24%. Additionally, nearly 60% of Americans. teens report feeling pressure from social media to look a certain way, contributing to body dissatisfaction and heightened mental health issues. These statistics underscore the need for accessible and effective mental health solutions for children worldwide.

To combat these pressures, experts highlight the protective benefits of physical activity and mindfulness practices, such as yoga, which can reduce anxiety, enhance mental clarity, and build resilience. Inspired by this need, I developed a project to teach mindfulness to Girl Scouts, providing them with tools to manage stress and nurture emotional well-being. My efforts have provided young girls with actionable techniques, such as breathing exercises and positive habits, to help them manage stress, regulate emotions, and cultivate self-awareness. Inspired by my personal journey of using yoga and mindfulness to recover from the mental toll of the pandemic, I aimed to offer others the same opportunity for growth and resilience.

To ensure sustainability, my project provides long-term resources for the Girl Scout community. Each participant learned mindfulness techniques that they can practice independently, fostering lasting mental wellness. Additionally, I have created lesson plans for patch programs that Girl Scout leaders can use to continue teaching mindfulness for years to come.  By empowering individuals and creating enduring educational materials, my project ensures that the tools for mental well-being are passed down within the Girl Scout community, leaving a lasting legacy of mindfulness where it matters most.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Robotics Camp

What is Robotics Camp?

An awesome, week-long summer robotics camp.

Throughout the week, the girls will get the chance to build a robot and learn to code their bot, as well as learn about some of the administrative jobs associated with being on a robotics team.

Camp is planned and organized by the Techalongs (FTC Team 17062), a Girl Scout FIRST Tech Challenge robotics team. Camp activities are led by volunteer Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts that are part of the team and supervised by adult volunteers. 


We have scheduled camp for June 9th-13th (Monday-Friday), 12:30- 3:30 pm daily. Girls can be dropped off starting at 12:15 pm each day so that their camp day can start promptly at 12:30 pm.


Notre Dame Preparatory 

9701 E Bell Rd

Scottsdale, AZ  85260

Who Can Attend?

Day Camp is limited to 25 campers who have just completed 5th-8th grade in May. Our staff will be 8 older girl volunteers (grades 7+) and at least 3 adult volunteers (18+ years). 

**Girls must have current membership with Girl Scouts.** 

Membership is $25 and girls need not join a troop (although we are happy to assist you in finding a permanent Girl Scout home). 

What is the Cost?

$100 per girl for who register and pay before April 15th. 

$150 per girl for who register and pay from April 15th to May 1st.

$200 after May 1st if space allows

Please take note of the late fees.  If you do not pay your camp fee before April 15th, the cost is $150. If you do not pay by May 1st, the cost is $200.

There will be no refunds or partial refunds for any reason except for camp cancellation. 

All registrations, fees, and paperwork need to be remitted by May 15th to ensure your daughter has a spot at camp. We will cancel unpaid registrations on that date along with any registrations with missing paperwork.

How Do I Register?

Register your campers here.

What Does my Girl Scout Need to Bring?

Everyone should bring a bottle of water each day. Girls will also need a laptop; please let us know if your daughter does not have a laptop available for her use. We have a limited number of laptops that we can loan out.

Girls need to wear closed-toed shoes and have their hair tied up each day.

Drop Off, Pick Up, and Safety

We will strive to meet every Girl Scout safety recommendation.  All girls must be signed in and out by a parent/guardian each day.  If she is going home with someone else, we must receive a note from the parent.  Please pick up your camper on time.  No supervision will be provided before 12:15 or after 3:45 pm.  

What About...?

For more information, please contact the Techalongs at

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Day Camp 2025: Director’s Cut

REGISTRATION CLOSES 5/1/25 or when full

Current Camper Count: 83

What is Summer Day Camp?

An awesome, week-long summer day camp. The theme this year is "Director’s Cut," celebrating different movie series.

Daily activities include cooking, swaps & crafts, science, dance, music, and games & sports. Our day camp fills up fast because it's so fun, so register as soon as registration opens!

Day Camp is planned and organized by Girl Scout Troop 2256, a multi-level Girl Scout troop from Pima Neighborhood (part of Girl Scouts―Arizona Cactus-Pine Council, Inc.). Camp activities are led by volunteer Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts and supervised by adult volunteers. 


We have  scheduled camp for June 2nd-6th (Monday-Friday), 9 am-2 pm daily.  Girls can be dropped off starting at 8:45 each day so that their camp day can start promptly at 9 am.


Notre Dame Preparatory 
9701 E Bell Rd
Scottsdale, AZ  85260

Who Can Attend?

Day Camp is limited to 100 campers who are registered in a Pima

neighborhood troop (Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Girl Scouts, who have just completed K-5 grades in May). An independent girl member living in our area may also attend. Our staff will be 20 older girl volunteers (grades 8+) and at least 20 adult volunteers (18+ years). 

If your daughter is in a troop outside of the Pima Neighborhood, she may attend day camp but you must be a registered and background checked volunteer who is willing to volunteer for at least two days to assist us in meeting girl/adult ratio. Cost for out-of-neighborhood Girl Scouts is $200.

**Girls must have current membership with Girl Scouts.** 

Girls living in the Desert Mountain High School complex or who attend BASIS, Archway Scottsdale, Rancho Solano, Scottsdale Prep, Pinnacle Peak, Sonoran Sky, or Grayhawk elementary schools who are not Girl Scout members may also attend but will be required to join Girl Scouts. Membership is $25 and girls need not join a troop (although we are happy to assist you in finding a permanent Girl Scout home). 

Program Aide Program for Grades 6+

Girl Scouts who have just completed grades 6-9 may register for a special older girl program.  This program is designed to give them the leadership skills to be camp counselors and to assist with other neighborhood programs.  Girls who enroll in this program will earn their Program Aide award during the week, as well as a First Aid/CPR certification, badges, and other awards. This program is limited to the first 20 registrants. The fee for PA girls is $100 if paid before April 15th and $150 after that date.

What is the Cost?

$100 per girl for Pima campers who register and pay before April 15th. 

$150 per girl for Pima campers who register and pay from April 15th to May 1st.

$200 after May 1st if space allows

Please take note of the late fees.  If you do not pay your camp fee before April 15th, the cost is $150. If you do not pay by May 1st, the cost is $200.

There will be no refunds or partial refunds for any reason except for camp cancellation. 

All registrations, fees, and paperwork need to be remitted by May 15th to ensure your daughter has a spot at camp. We will cancel unpaid registrations on that date along with any registrations with missing paperwork.

We need adult volunteers who are registered/background checked members of GSUSA.  To guarantee a spot for your camper, agree to help as an adult volunteer!  (Adult volunteer link is here)

How Do I Register?

Register your campers here.

Could Camp Be Canceled?

Our annual challenge is to staff the camp with registered adult volunteers to meet safety guidelines. Chaperones are able to work remotely from camp insofar as they have no other duties other than sitting in the rooms and being present.

If canceled, all campers will be notified and registration fees refunded. You can help us out by giving us a day or two of your time! (Adult volunteer link here)

What Does my Girl Scout Need to Bring?

Everyone should bring their own sack lunch Monday through Friday. Everyone should also bring a bottle of water each day. Refrigerators and microwaves are not available.  

Girls need to wear closed-toe shoes and we encourage girls to dress according to the theme each day.

The themes for the week are as follows:

Monday: Marvel

Tuesday: Star Wars

Wednesday: Nintendo 

Thursday: DC

Friday: Pixar

Drop Off, Pick Up, and Safety

We will strive to meet every Girl Scout safety recommendation.  All girls must be signed in and out by a parent/guardian each day.  If she is going home with someone else, we must receive a note from the parent.  Please pick up your camper on time.  No supervision will be provided before 8:45 or after 2:15 pm.  

What About...?

For more information, please contact Girl Scout Troop 2256 at