Thinking Day 2016
WHAT: Each year on February 22,
World Thinking Day, girls honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts by taking time to give thanks for their international friendships and remember that Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a global community—one of nearly 150 countries that are members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
WHEN & WHERE: February 21st, 1:30-4:30 pm
Horizon Park Community Center
15444 N. 100th St, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
COST: $1 per girl and includes a patch and passport. No charge for leaders.
ATTENDANCE LIMITATIONS: the space will only accommodate 150 participants. Slots will be filled on a first-come, first-paid basis and then registration will be closed. Please submit your check made out to Pima Neighborhood with the registration form below.
Please bring only leaders and co-leaders to meet Safetywise ratios. In most cases, that means no more than TWO adults should attend with a troop.
DIRECTIONS: Each troop needs to pick a country and prepare (and decorate) a booth that includes information, a food, a craft, a SWAP, and a physical activity (game or song, generally) related to their country. Girls will be issued passports to travel from booth to booth, so a stamp or sticker is needed to have to mark those passports. Your country choice will be confirmed as soon as you turn in your registration form.
Set up: 1:30 to 2:00
Rotations: 2:00 to 4:00
Clean up: 4 to 430
The following countries have been claimed so far: Holland, Canada, France, Italy, England, South Korea, Germany, Egypt, China, and Russia
Attendance count: 105, plus about 20 adults
Troop #____________________ Level__________________________________
Leader Name______________________ Phone Number____________________
Leader Email_______________________________________________________
Number of Girls______________ X $1 = ________________________________
(Make checks payable to Pima Neighborhood)
1st Country Choice________________2nd Country Choice__________________