Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Gift Wrapping Sign Up

The neighborhood has secured Sports Chalet for gift wrapping again this year.  It's a fun, easy way to make a few dollars for the troop or to get some service hours.  If you're interested, check your email for the sign up link. You can sign up as parent or leader/girl pairs or just sign up your daughter.  Girls should wear their vests when working the booth.  

Here's the Facebook post on the booth: 

Time to sign up for gift wrapping! Last year the girls who worked made about $11/hour for their troops. If you don't need money for your troop, you can wrap for service hours. Girls may sign up individually or leaders may sign up as a troop by contacting Hayl Daughtery. 
The booth will be open on the following dates and times for 2015! We need as much help as we can get. Message us with your times/dates.
12/12, 11am-7pm
12/13, 11am-7pm
12/14, 3pm-7pm (Tentative)
12/15, 3pm-7pm(Tentative)
12/16, 3pm-7pm(Tentative)
12/17, 3pm-7pm(Tentative)
12/18, 3pm-7pm
12/19, 10am-7pm
12/20, 10am-7pm
12/21, 10am-7pm
12/22, 10am-7pm
12/23, 9am-7pm
12/24, 8am-6pm (food provided all day!)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Annual Meeting Delegates

We’re getting ready for the 2016 Annual Council Meeting! It will be held Saturday, April 16, 2016 form 8 am until 2pm at a NEW LOCATION! The meeting will be at Chateau Luxe, 1175 E. Lone Cactus Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85024 (www.chateauluxeaz.com). 

If you are a Girl Scout aged 14 and older, you can represent Pima at this meeting.  We need 12 delegates for the meeting. Please send your name, address, email address, and troop number to pima.neighborhood@gmail.com by January 11, 2016.

Friday, December 4, 2015


Thinking Day 2016

WHAT: Each year on February 22, World Thinking Day, girls honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts by taking time to give thanks for their international friendships and remember that Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a global community—one of nearly 150 countries that are members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). 

WHEN & WHERE: February 21st, 1:30-4:30 pm
Horizon Park Community Center
15444 N. 100th St, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

COST: $1 per girl and includes a patch and passport.  No charge for leaders. 

ATTENDANCE LIMITATIONS: the space will only accommodate 150 participants.  Slots will be filled on a first-come, first-paid basis and then registration will be closed.  Please submit your check made out to Pima Neighborhood with the registration form below.

Please bring only leaders and co-leaders to meet Safetywise ratios. In most cases, that means no more than TWO adults should attend with a troop.  

DIRECTIONS: Each troop needs to pick a country and prepare (and decorate) a booth that includes information, a food, a craft, a SWAP, and a physical activity (game or song, generally) related to their country.  Girls will be issued passports to travel from booth to booth, so a stamp or sticker is needed to have to mark those passports.   Your country choice will be confirmed as soon as you turn in your registration form.


Set up: 1:30 to 2:00
Rotations: 2:00 to 4:00
Clean up: 4 to 430

The following countries have been claimed so far: Holland, Canada, France, Italy, England, South Korea, Germany, Egypt, China, and Russia

Attendance count: 105, plus about 20 adults


Troop #____________________ Level__________________________________

Leader Name______________________ Phone Number____________________ 

Leader Email_______________________________________________________ 

Number of Girls______________ X $1 = ________________________________ 
(Make checks payable to Pima Neighborhood) 

1st Country Choice________________2nd Country Choice__________________ 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December Agenda

Please bring any gently used items from last year's Thinking Day booth to share with another troop who may want to use them for this year's event (Swaps, boards, handouts...)

MSE Report
Sister Troops -- Last call for patch; $1 per patch
Presidential Volunteer Service Awards --  being ordered in December --Troop 1870
Gift Wrapping -- Troop 1870
Halloween Candy Donations quick report -- Diana
Vista del Camino Adopt a Family quick report -- Holly
Cookies Dates -- questions and updates;  2015 Patches 
Guided Hiking Tours for Girl Scouts -- Barbara

Garage Sale next month


Tonight!! Leader's social at Diana's.  Please join us at 8:15. Address was sent via email or check the service team roster.

Cookie Rally - January 8 -- Lee
Songfest - January 10 -- Lee
Thinking Day - February 21 -- Diana/Troop 2256  (Click link for registration form)
Leader's Gala - April 4 -- Michelle/Julie/Diana
Camp Basic - April 9-10 -- Troop 2010 
Annual Meeting Delegates - April 16 -- Diana
Spring Encampment at Willow Springs - April 29-May 1
Brownie Father/Daughter Dance - April/May -- Holly
Summer Day Camp - tentatively June 20-24 -- Troop 2256 and cast of thousands 
*Volunteer slots are filled but you can be put on a waitlist
Mother/Daughter Event - TBA - Kristen (366)

Level Break out to discuss troop trips

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cookie Booth Do's and Don'ts


Cancel any booths that you will not use.  If you can't make a booth offer it to a fellow Pima troop (i.e. sister troop) or send a note to Pima Neighborhood before cancelling so we can keep the booth in our neighborhood.

Take written proof of booth scheduling from Ebudde with you.

Do arrive five minutes before your booth start and leave promptly when your time is over.

Leave the booth space cleaner than you found it. Take all your trash with you.  

Bring your own equipment and supplies (tables, chairs, tape, signs, etc).

Enter all your self-scheduled booths into Ebudde for approval.

Check in and out with the store manager and give him/her a thank you note.

Follow store set-up rules.

Follow any directions given to you by the store managers and employees.

Wear Girl Scout identification.

Keep less than $100 in your cash box.

Have girl health forms with you, as well as a MS-27 emergency card for reference. http://www.girlscoutsaz.org/content/dam/girlscoutsaz/documents/forms/ms-27-emergency-procedures.pdf


Do not contact Basha's, Food City, AJ's, Walmart, Sam's Club, Albertson's, Safeway, Fry's, or ASU.  Booths for these places are only scheduled by council and are available via Ebudde.

Do not fill store garbage cans with empty boxes.  Take them with you or break down and throw into the store's dumpsters behind the stores.

Do not sit on or use store merchandise (for example, do not sit on patio furniture that is for sale).

Do not eat or allow your girls to eat at a cookie booth.

Do not let girls sing, shout, or chant.

Do not bring bags from other stores to a booth. (No Fry's bags at Walmart, for example).

Do not bring non-Girl Scout friends and/or siblings.

Do not staff your booth with more than four girls at a time.

Do not take bills over $20.

Do not take checks.

Do not ask store managers to mediate any conflict.

Do not argue in front of customers, girls, or store employees.

Monday, November 16, 2015

A Note from your Cookie Cupboard Goddess

Please fill out your cookie cupboard card NOW.  

Take a picture of it with your phone.  This is what you can show as a back up if you forget your card.  (Most people do as some point in the 8 weeks of cookie sales!)  

When you come and get cookies from the cookie cupboard, bring your card or your phone with a picture of your card and your driver's license.

Please remember that there are limits to how many cases of each flavor you you can pick up each day at the cookie cupboard.  Generally, that means 2 cases each of Trefoils, Savannah Smiles, and Do-si-Dos, and 5 cases each of Thin Mints, Samoas, and Tagalongs.

Cookie Rally!

Friday January 8, 6-7:30pm 
Mountainside Middle School Cafeteria

- Best blinged booth 
- Best blinged wagon 

  • Sample the new cookies!
  • Play Cookie Bingo!
  • Practice your Sales Pitch
  • Learn about the new Digital Cookie 
  • Vote for your favorite Cookie
  • Learn to set your Sales Goal
  • Get Ideas for Gift of Caring, Troop Trips, and Troop Activities
  • Crafts
  • Cookies
  • Fun!


Sponsored by troops 2064, 2010, and Pima Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts 

COST: $1/GIRL (includes patch!) 

Please make checks to Pima Neighborhood. Register by 12/18/2015 or turn in at the neighborhood meeting. 

Send to: Lee Kline 
(See emailed flyer for contact information)


Songfest for all ages 

Sunday, January 10, 2-4 pm by troops 2010, 83, 1294 & 959 at Ellen's Home: (see email for address).

Cost is $1 includes and patch. 
Make checks to Pima Neighborhood. 
Please register by January 4 to gstrp2010 @ gmail.com (remove spaces to email) or at the neighborhood meeting.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Cookie Sales Information

Cookie training will be held November 16 at the Boys and Girls Club (our usual meeting location: 10515 E. Lakeview Drive, Scottsdale) at either 10 am or 7 pm.  Training will last an hour and is mandatory for any troops participating in the 2016 cookie sale.  Troop sales items will be available at that meeting.

If you did *not* attend the November leader's meeting, please send Diana an email with your troop # and the number of girls selling ASAP.

Please have your cookie manager and anyone else who wants/needs access to Ebudde sign the Troop Product Manager Agreement located here: 

Please remind him/her that our service unit is Pima.

The following troops still need to take this step: 587, 1478, 2052, 3281.

Cookie Contacts

  • General Questions to Lee, Diana, or Michelle
  • Cookie Distribution and Cupboard questions to Catherine
  • Cookie Training questions to Holly

Please refer to the neighborhood roster sheet for phone numbers and emails.

Cookie Sale Dates

  • November 14 Cookie Booth Rounds Begin – troops may earn 2 early bird slots – one for early troop registration (by July 1) – a second for $250 troop sales in the Fall Program.
  • November 21: Cookie Booth Round 1 – starts at 9:00 am – one pick only
  • November 28: Cookie Booth Round 2 – starts at 9:00 am – one pick only
  • December 1: Girls uploaded to Ebudde by Council
  • December 5: Cookie Booth Round 3 – starts at 9:00 am – one pick only
  • December 12: Cookie Booth Open Booth Slots – starts at 9:00am
  • December 15, 2015: Troop Initial Order Due  
  • January 8: Cookie Rally 
  • January 16-17: Delivery  
  • January 18: Cupboards Open
  • February 11: First ACH draw 
  • February 25: Second ACH draw
  • February 29: Cupboards Close
Sale Dates:  January 18 - February 28, 2016
Please remember to stress to all girls/families that they may not sell before January 18 at 9 am.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Camp Basic 2016

Camp B.A.S.I.C. 
Brownie-Aged Skills and Interest Camping
 April 9 - 10, 2016 

WHO: Brownie troops and any first-time campers, grades 2-5. 

WHAT: Learn how to camp and have fun! Fire Safety Tents Outdoor Cooking SWAPS Knife Safety Knots Leave No Trace Songs and more! 

WHERE: McDowell Mountain Park, north of Fountain Hills. 

WHEN: Saturday April 9th and Sunday April 10. Campers will arrive at noon on Saturday and leave at 10am on Sunday. 

COST" $37, which includes all meals, snacks, lodging, training, SWAPS, crafts, and patch. 

Camp B.A.S.I.C. is sponsored by Troop 2010 and is staffed by Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts. Please contact Troop 2010 if you have any questions.

Registration form is here.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

November Meeting Agenda

Meeting is at 10 am or 7 pm 
at the Boy's and Girl's Club on November 2nd


MSE Report
Sister Troops -- Diana (assigned/patches)
Fall Product -- Diana (email)
Presidential Volunteer Service Awards -- Troop 1870
Gift Wrapping -- Troop 1870
Halloween Candy Donations -- (drop off at Catherine's or Diana's)
Vista del Camino Adopt a Family -- Holly
Cookie Dates -- 11/16 training, 2015 Patches (Susan)
Event Sign Up Reminder -- Michelle
Event Planning Budget -- Pat
Encampment Wrap Up -- Lee
Juliette Low Birthday Party Report -- Diana/Michelle/Julie
Discussion about event RSVPs


Tonight 8 pm, Leader's Social -- Red Robin, 8970 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 

Cookie Rally - January 8 -- Lee
Songfest - January 10 -- Lee
Thinking Day - February 21 -- Diana/Troop 2256
Leader's Gala - April 4 -- Michelle/Julie/Diana
Camp Basic - April 9-10 -- Troop 2010 
Spring Encampment at Willow Springs - April 29-May 1
Brownie Father/Daughter Dance - April/May -- Holly
Summer Day Camp - tentatively June 20-24 -- Troop 2256 and a cast of thousands 
*Volunteer slots are filled but you can be put on a waitlist
Mother/Daughter Event - TBA - Kristen (366)

Leader Investiture and Rededication -- Michelle

Monday, October 26, 2015

The President’s Volunteer Service Award


The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals, families and groups that have achieved a certain standard measured by hours of service over a 12-month period.

Eligibility:  United States citizens and lawfully admitted permanent residents of the United States who have achieved the required number of hours of service over a 12-month time period.  Court ordered community service is not eligible.

Award recipients will receive:
  • The official President’s Volunteer Service Award pin (or medal if you prefer – let me know)
  • A personalized certificate of achievement
  • A congratulatory letter from the president of the United States
Age 5-14
Young Adult
Age 15-25
Age 26+
50-74 hrs
100-174 hrs
100-249 hrs
200-499 hrs
75-99 hrs
175-249 hrs
250-499 hrs
500-999 hrs
100 + hrs
250 + hrs
500+ hrs
1000 + hrs

*Family/Group is 2 or more people. Each person must contribute at least 25 hours and group must collectively meet total hours shown above.

President’s Call to Service Award - All ages. Recognizes 4,000 hours or more of volunteer service over a lifetime. This is an individual award, not a group award.

 To request an award, please complete the following and return it to Jennifer Anderson.

Troop Leader:  ­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________  Phone or Email:  ______________________

Last Name
First Name
Age Level
Hours Served
Award Period
Start/End Dates

Attach your own separate spreadsheet if you need more space.

For more information, please visit www.presidentialserviceawards.gov

Each award covers one 12 month period – it does NOT have to be a calendar year.

REMEMBER:  If your girls were 14 & under when they did the service work, they have different hours requirements than girls ages 15+

Please email Jennifer Anderson if you have questions. 

Vista del Camino / Concerned Citizens Adopt-a-Family Program

For over ten years, our Pima Neighborhood Girl Scout troops have sponsored children for the Vista del Camino / Concerned Citizens for Community Health Adopt-a-Family program.  Vista staff provides adopters with a brief biography about the family, including gift suggestions and sizes for the children.  You are asked to provide 3 or more gifts chosen from the ‘wish list’ provided by each child (total child adoption costs $100-$125.)  I will provide directions after you sign up as far as labeling, bagging, etc.  I also ask that you please consider donating a $25 grocery gift card for the Christmas dinner.  In addition to Christmas, Vista will also honor other holiday traditions such as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Ramadan.

In general, Vista del Camino Human Services in partnership with Concerned Citizens for Community Health, a non-profit agency helping families in crisis, provide food, clothing, and emergency assistance to Scottsdale residents in need.  Many members of our community need the support of others to provide their children with a special holiday.  Others may be disabled or elderly and unable to provide for themselves.  Each year over 400 families are helped for Thanksgiving and 550 for Christmas, which equates to over 700 children.  

If you or your troop would like to adopt/sponsor a child or children for this holiday season, please email me how many kid(s) and if you have an age preference.  I will collect information through November 5th, and assignments will be made the following week.  Gifts will be due back at the December leader meeting, or at my house on Friday, December 11th, whichever is easiest for you/your troop.

Thank you!
Holly Snopko
Leader Troops 256 & 1265

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Halloween Candy Collection

Troop 9/Jen Anderson sent me a note that after nine years, she'd like to be done with Halloween candy collection.

Catherine and I thought it would be great to continue the tradition.  Our homes (the Fall Product place and the Cookie Cupboard) will serve as drop off points for any unwanted candy donations. Both Catherine and I will put coolers outside our front doors to keep chocolate intact, starting November 1.  No need to call ahead, just stop and drop.  Please see your email for our addresses.

You may also bring donations to the next leader's meetings (November 2nd).

Donations will be sent to the armed forces.  Last year over 150 lbs were collected!!

Thanks!! Happy Haunting!!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Fall Product Update

Congratulations to all those troops who participated in Fall Product sales.

Troop 2256 was the top seller with 256 units sold and over $1500 in sales.

Sarah Bell, from 2256, was the neighborhood's top seller!!  Way to hustle Sarah!!

Laguna Troop 1710 was second in overall sales, and 2058 was third.

Together the neighborhood sold over $10,000 in product.  Great job Pima Neighborhood!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

October 5th Leader's Meeting Agenda

Remember to Bring and Contributions for:

MSE Report
Neighborhood Communications - Blog, Calendar, Email -- Diana
Sister Troops -- Diana (last call)
Fall Product -- Diana 
Cookie Dates -- 11/16
Event Sign Up Reminder -- Michelle
First Aid Class -- Julie
Encampments -- Lee
Songfest -- Lee
Enrichment -- Troop Resources -- Diana


Tonight 8 pm, Leader's Social -- Red Robin,
 8970 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 
First Aid/CPR Training - October 20 -- Julie
Maripai Fall Encampment - October 23-25 -- Lee 
Juliette Low Birthday Party - October 24 -- Troops 2256 & 231 (Julie, Michelle, and Diana)
Cookie Rally - January 8 -- Lee
Thinking Day - February 21 -- Diana/Troop 2256
Leader's Gala - April 4 -- Michelle/Julie/Diana
Camp Basic - April 9-10 -- Troop 2010 (NOTE DATE CHANGE)
Spring Encampment at Willow Springs - April 29-May 1
Brownie Father/Daughter Dance - April/May -- Holly
Summer Day Camp - tentatively June 20-24 -- Troop 2256 and a cast of thousands
Mother/Daughter Event - TBA - Kristen (366)