
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cookie Training: Changes for 2020

New for the 2020 cookie season

Booth tab

  • Easy way to release booth locations from dashboard
  • However, check to see if another troop in Pima wants the troop before you release it
  • Visibility into booth waiting list 
Cookie Exchange

Initial Orders

There is an easy way for a troop to see last year’s data for reference right on the initial order tab.  Click on the down arrow and you will see LY (last year) numbers.

New Credit Card Platform (First Data)
  • We will be receiving an email soon describing the app and how to sign up for it.
  • There will be an opportunity to buy a swiper for $40 but the app itself will be free.
  • Council will pay for the transaction fees ONLY Jan-March during cookie season, so it is best not to use it outside that time.