
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cookie Training: Digital Cookies

Digital Cookies

  • Digital cookies is our online presence to sell cookies. You many not go onto places like Craig’s List, Next door, eBay etc. to sell cookies!
  • Girls who participate in digital cookie sell 76% more than girls who participate in the traditional sale alone.
  • Troops cannot opt out of Digital Cookie.
  • Girls and parents decide if they want to participate. 
  • All registered girls will be sent a link to register for Digital Cookie on January 3rd.
  • Please encourage all girls to participate in Digital Cookie.
  • Set up your own daughter’s to learn the system (under 13 are with parent/13+ set up their own site with parent approval)
  • Teresa, Diana, or Lee can help parents, but please be that person for your troop.
  • Consider setting up individual girl accounts at a troop meeting as a group.
A valuable resource for Digital cookies can be found on the Girl Scout website 

When you scroll down the two sections are called Digital Cookie Resources & Digital Cookie FAQs.