
Friday, June 26, 2020

Recruitment Service Team Leadership Opportunity for Older Girls

Who: Girls 6th grade and up

What: The girls themselves are the best Girl Scout recruiters by sharing their enthusiasm and experiences!  Help us introduce new girls to Girl Scouts. Pima is starting a girl-only recruitment service team. Team members will collaborate with School Organizers and the Neighborhood Service Team to enhance recruitment activities and messaging.

This is a year-long position, but most of the work will be done in August and September. 
  • Develop new and improved ways to recruit new Girl Scouts
  • Create signage for recruitment events
  • Attend recruitment events (Back to School Nights, Ice Skating, Ice Cream Social, Girl Scout Sampler) as a Girl Scout representative
  • Earn hours towards your Girl Scout Service Bar award
  • Great resume builder (scholarships, jobs, college applications)
  • Share your Girl Scouting experience and expand the Girl Scout Universe!
  • Meet new friends from other troops