
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Badge Challenge

To kick off the new year, I am issuing each troop a badge challenge.  To complete this challenge, your troop must design a virtual badge workshop and present it to another troop.  

The badge plan and presentation must be done by the girls, with age-appropriate level assistance.  For troops in grades 6 and up, I define "age-appropriate assistance" as monitoring only, but your mileage may vary (you know your girls best!).   

The patch for this program reflects that focus on "girl-led." 

If your troop opts to do more than one badge workshop, they are eligible for a second patch.  The badge for the second badge workshop must be different from the first to earn a second patch.

Troops may present a badge to a younger troop or to a troop at your same level.  

Pima will pay for the patch for the girls who participate in leading the workshop, but troops are responsible for purchasing their own badges.

If you need me to set up a zoom meeting to complete this, please let me know.  

Here are some resources you can use to help you plan: