
Friday, January 13, 2023

My First Cookie Booth

Pima has a program that pairs Daisy Girl Scouts and Daisy Parents with an older troop for their first cookie booth experience.  Here are the rules:

  • The expectation is that girls will attend for about 15 minutes to get just a taste of what it is like.  
  • Last year, girls chose to stay longer, and that is up to you and the hosting troop when you are there.
  • registered parent must attend with their Daisy.
  • Girls should come in uniform (white shirt, black bottoms, vest).
  • Daisies will receive a patch for attendance.
Please note, if you open up your booth to Daisies, you must still adhere to cookie booth staffing guidelines. No more than FOUR girls at a booth at any time.  Troops 2010 and 2256/4727 have opted to staff to a maximum of two older girls per booth to accommodate Daisy slots.

We would like parents to read over the boothing guidelines here before they arrive at their first cookie booth experience.  (The do's and don'ts are at the bottom of the page).

Here are the links to sign up for this program:

Host troop 2256/4727 link.

(Other links to come)