
Friday, January 13, 2023

Pima Leadership and Service Tshirts

Pima has been ordering neighborhood  shirts for many years.  The back of the shirt is sort of a history lesson in all the activities that have been planned and hosted or enjoyed by older girl troops and groups in the neighborhood.  

It changes to reflect the numbers of the current troops that have girls in grades 6-12 and are, therefore, considered what we used to call the Super Troop but we now call the service and leadership team. All girls in these grades are welcome and encouraged to participate in the many volunteer opportunities we have to run events in Pima or to choose an event of their own to host. If you are an adult volunteer, you are also automatically a part of this team.

The shirts became a "thing" one year when we watched the various troops group themselves at a cookie rally based on their troop or cookie shirts.  We could visually see that the girls weren't crossing troop boundaries and we thought that designing a shirt that we could all wear to emphasize that we are all on one team. Without hard evidence, it does appear that the strategy worked; we have many girls making friends across the neighborhood!

We have a new design and our "on-demand" system to order shirts is in place, so it's time to let us know if you want a new shirt!  

Here's the sign up:

Payment can be made via directly to Lee.  Email if you don't her her email to arrange for payment.