Thursday, September 26, 2024

2024-2025 Robotics Qualifiers

Come cheer on the robotics team as they take the floor in their 2024-2025 qualifying matches.  The events last all day but competitions start at about 10 with the finals happening mid-afternoon followed by awards, ending at 5 pm.  Competitions are free to attend.

First Qualifier: December 7th at Valley Christian: 6304 S Price Rd, Tempe, AZ 85283

Second Qualifier: January 25th at Microchip Technology Inc, 2355 W Chandler Blvd, Chandler, AZ 85224

Third Qualifier: February 8th at the American Leadership Academy, Queen Creek 7-12, 23908 Hawes Rd, Queen Creek, AZ 85142

For more information, you can visit the Techalongs Team page and/or Arizona FTC page.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

September Information


From Council
Babysitter's List 2024-2025
Babysitters: Sign up here.
Parents: Access Girl Scout babysitters here.

2024-2025 CALENDAR

Community Service: Sign up for Adopt a Family Holiday Program
Recommended Troop Activity: Ballet Under the Stars
September 28, 12-2 pm Feed my Starving Children

October 1, 6 pm First Aid Class
October 9, 6 pm First Aid Class
October 30-31, Haunted Yard

Community Service: Birthday Bags
Recommended Troop Activity: ASU Earth and Space Exploration Day
November 2, 2-4 pm, Juliette Low Birthday Party at El Dorado Park
November 4, Cookie Training

Recommended Troop Activity: Hike Pinnacle Peak (holiday story usually can be found along the trail during the month of December)
Date Pending: Elf, Jr.  
December 4 or 11, Leader's Holiday Social

January 10, Cookie Rally hosted by Troop 4312
January 18 or 19, Cookie Delivery
January 20, Cookie Sales Begin

February 7-9, Council Outdoor Skills Weekend
February 21-22, Robotics State Championship in Prescott
February 23, Thinking Day hosted by Troop 4338
February 28-March 2, Encampment at Marapai

Community Service: Jared Boxes
Recommended Troop Activity: McDowell Sonoran Preserve Family Day
March 2, Cookie Sale Ends
March 22, Gold Award Ceremony
March 29-30 Camp B.A.S.I.C.

April 7, Leader's Gala
April 12, Bronze/Silver Ceremony
April 18-20, Pima Camp Jammin' at Parson's
April 30, Older Girl Bridging


Day Camp


Toy & Book Drive for The Foster Alliance!

Join us in supporting The Foster Alliance, an incredible organization that ensures over 400 foster children, teens, and young adults receive personalized birthday gifts every month. 

We are collecting new toys and books to help make birthdays extra special for these amazing kids. If you’d like to contribute:

Bring an unwrapped toy or a book suitable for children of any age to the Juliette Low Birthday Party on November 2nd. Or check your email for other drop-off locations that are open from November 1st - 5th.

For gift ideas, visit the Foster Alliance Wishlist:

Your donation will brighten a foster child’s birthday and bring joy to those who need it most!

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Halloween Candy Collection

Got Candy?

Don’t get stuck with piles of leftover Halloween candy this year!  Consider donating your excess candy to be split between Packages FROM HOME and MOM’S PANTRY!

Donation Dates: November 1st - 5th
What to Donate: All types of wrapped candy are accepted!

Candy collections may be dropped at Diana's or at other leader locations in the 85255 and 85259 zip codes. Check your email for drop-off locations.

Let’s spread some sweetness and give back to the community! 

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Hearts & Hands Day at St. Vincent De Paul

Join Us for Hearts & Hands Day at St. Vincent De Paul!

Looking for a family-friendly / Troop volunteer opportunity to kick off the New Year? Hearts and Hands is a fun, upbeat event for all ages, where we come together to spread blessings, love, and hope to those in need!

Date: January 4th, 2024
Time: 9:00 am - 11:30 am
Location: Society of St. Vincent De Paul, 420 W. Watkins Road, Phoenix, AZ 85003

There’s something for everyone! Activities include:

  • Craft projects
  • Packing sack lunches
  • Making sandwiches
  • Assembling outreach kits

This is a wonderful way to introduce service to your family / troop or to continue making it part of your life!

Age Requirements:

  • To Attend:
    • Individuals 14+
    • Kids 5-13 with an adult

Sign up today and start the year by making a difference!
(Please complete 1 form per volunteer)

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Wreaths Across America

Volunteer with Wreaths Across America


This December, join us in honoring our American heroes by helping place veterans' wreaths on their headstones as part of National Wreaths Across America Day. It’s a special opportunity to remember, honor, and teach the value of service and sacrifice.

Date: Saturday, December 14, 2024
Ceremony Time: 9:00 am
Location: National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, 23029 N. Cave Creek Road, Phoenix, AZ 85024

After the ceremony, we’ll immediately begin placing wreaths on the graves of our veterans.

Sign up today and join the millions of volunteers nationwide on this special day of remembrance and honor!

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Andara Senior Center


Calling All Creative Volunteers!

We’re seeking enthusiastic Girl Scouts to assist Andara's Craft Supervisor in hosting a fun and interactive beading and jewelry-making session for residents and their guests! This is a wonderful opportunity for those who love creativity and crafts to make the day extra special for the seniors.

Who: Girl Scouts ages 12+ (parents and chaperones welcome)

Date: Saturday, December 8, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Andara Senior Living by Cogir
11415 N. 114th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85259

Sign up Now! Space Limited!

Help us bring joy and creativity to the residents by volunteering your time and talents!


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Thinking Day

Pima Neighborhood

Thinking Day 2025


WHAT: Each year on February 22, World Thinking Day, girls honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts by taking time to give thanks for their international friendships and remember that Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a global community—one of nearly 150 countries that are members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).


WHEN & WHERE: February 23th, 2025 (Sunday), 1:00-3:00+ pm

Scottsdale Ranch Park, Ramada 10

 $5 per girl and includes a patch and passport.  No charge for leaders. Troops will be issued a refund of up to $3 per girl after the event for those who attend. Last day to register is February 13, 2025. 


Payment can be made via troop check to Pima Neighborhood.

Troops cannot pay via Venmo.

Mail/deliver the check to: 15240 N. 104th PL, Scottsdale, AZ 85255

Or give the check directly to the money manager at a leader’s meeting.

  Please bring only enough adults to meet ratio guidelines. Tagalongs cannot be accommodated at this event. As always, for the safety of the girls, no unregistered adults should attend this or any other Girl Scout event. 

Slots will be filled and countries assigned on a first-come, first-paid basis and then registration will be closed.  Please submit your check made out to Pima Neighborhood with the registration form below. Filling in the form is the ONLY way to let us know your troop’s selected country. After payment is received, you will receive a confirmation of your country choice by email.


DIRECTIONS: Each troop needs to pick a country and prepare (and decorate) a booth that includes information, a food, a craft (and/or) a SWAP, and a physical activity (game or song, generally) related to their country.  Girls will be issued passports to travel from booth to booth, so a stamp or sticker is needed to have to mark those passports.  Each troop needs to bring their own table as well.


PATCHES: Your troop will receive the same number of patches as the number of girls registered.

COUNTRIES TAKEN: Scotland, Brazil, China, Italy, Costa Rica, Japan



Set up: 1:00 to 1:30

Rotations: 1:30 to 3 pm

Clean up: 3 until completed

Sign Up Here.

Questions? Email:

First Aid Classes

Every time you meet with your troop you must have a First Aid/CPR certified adult present.  Certifications are good for 2 years.


If it’s time for you to renew your First Aid/CPR certification, here are two inexpensive ($25) local options.  Tuesday October 1 or Wednesday October 9, at Congregational Church of the Valley, 120th and Shea.  Class will start promptly at 6:00pm and will end around 8:30pm.  These are blended classes.  A week before class you will be given a link to an online portion that you must complete before the in-person portion. 


The signup is running through council and spaces are very limited.  There are 20 seats on October 1 and 10 seats on October 9.  Only Pima scouts can sign up initially; after 7 days signups will open to the whole council, so please sign up quickly to guarantee your spot.


Juliette Low Birthday Party

We're thrilled to invite you to a special celebration in honor of Juliette Gordon Low's birthday! Join us for an afternoon filled with fun, games, and learning as we celebrate the founder of Girl Scouts.

Date: November 2nd
2–4 pm
Location: Indian School Park, Ramada 4

4289 N Hayden, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Activities Include:

  • EntertainmentMagic by Robbie - Be prepared to be amazed! Robbie, a skilled magician, will wow us with an interactive magic show filled with surprises. This family-friendly performance is sure to captivate and entertain girls of all ages!
  • Crafting and learning about Juliette Low's achievements.
  • Games and Swaps
  • Birthday cake and snacks


Support Volunteer Project: 

We’ll be crafting Birthday Dream Bags for Foster Alliance, filled with three gifts and a book. Help us decorate these bags to make them extra special for foster children.


Toy/Book Drive for Foster Alliance:

In addition to the birthday bags, we are also collecting new toys and books to donate to the Foster Alliance. If you'd like to contribute, please bring an unwrapped toy or a book suitable for children of any age. You can also select items directly from the Foster Alliance wish list here: Foster Alliance Wishlist. Your donation will help make birthdays extra special for foster kids!


Important Details:

Don’t Forget Your Water Bottle!

Cost: $10 per girl (no charge for leaders) – includes a patch.

Payment: Checks should be made out to Pima Neighborhood, or parents may Venmo. Troops may not pay via Venmo. For mailing address or Venmo information, please email

Deadline: Registration and payment due by Saturday, October 25th.


RSVP online here: before 10/25/24

We’re excited to celebrate this special day together and look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Garage Sale 2024!

It's Garage Sale month. Please bring any Girl Scout supplies you
no longer need or use to the next leader's meeting on October 14th. This can include books, patches, badges, craft supplies, cookie booth supplies, uniform pieces....​

​Please bring any items from last year's Thinking Day booth to share with another troop who may want to use them for this year (Swaps, boards, handouts...)

Monday, September 9, 2024


Willow Springs

Fall 2024 

Register for fall encampment here!

Registration due:  9/12/2024  

Please register a guesstimate ASAP and you can revise as needed. 

For troops grades 3 and up

$60 per person + program fees  

includes Saturday breakfast & dinner and Sunday breakfast and a patch

Planned Activities:  Archery, Slingshot, Challenge Course (tentative, grades 6+), Saturday campfire, SWAPs, lots of fun!

Accommodations:  Various cabins and buildings. We’ll assign sites the week before camp.

Required to Register:  

Roster Form (fill this out or email Lee your roster)

Troop Trip Form (service unit = Pima) 

Payment:  Venmo Diana or write troop check 

(pay to Pima Neighborhood)

send/give checks to: 

Lee c/o RSI, PO Box 22400, Tempe AZ 85285

Required Training:  Each troop must have an adult with First Aid/CPR and Troop Camp Certification 1&2. (Leaders attending with just their daughters are exempt.)   

More information:  

General encampment packet            Willow Springs map  

Questions:  Email Lee at

City of Scottsdale’s Adopt-a-Family Program

Thank you for your support for our annual Adopt-a-Family project!  Pima has been participating in this project for decades, and each year we adopt more than 25 Scottsdale children whose families live in poverty.

The Adopt-a-Family program is a partnership between City of Scottsdale and Scottsdale Community Partners, the non-profit philanthropy arm of the city. Families are interviewed by city social workers, who record children’s requests for three gifts for the winter holidays as well as clothing and shoe sizes.  Susan Vargas will email assignment information in mid-November.  Every effort is made to match troops with a child near their age if possible. 


Then, you purchase at least three gifts of at least $130 in total value for each child based on their wish list.  You also provide a $40 gift card to the family’s grocery store to help provide a holiday meal.  Troops frequently supplement the three main gifts with clothing, stocking stuffers, or other items, and sometimes also include a small gift for the parents.  Many troops also include gift wrap, bows, and tape for the families. All gifts are given to the families unwrapped, so the parents can have the pleasure and dignity of wrapping their own children’s gifts. The total expenditure per sponsored child is at minimum $170.


You will drop off a donor report and all the gifts, bagged and labelled for each recipient to either Vista del Camino on Monday, December 9 (if you sponsor all kids in a family) or to Susan Vargas's home on Saturday, December 7 (if you are sponsoring some but not all kids in a family).


Sign up here:


Thank you for making a child's holiday special!

Fall Product Information

The Fall product program runs October 1st through October 31st.  Fall product packets for troops are available now.  Pick up at the leader's meetings or arrange a pick up at Diana's or Emily's. See the service team roster for her contact information.

Troop Product Manager Agreement is here. Each troop needs a fall product manager to sign that agreement.  
Service Unit: Pima
Service Unit Email Contact: 

At the end of September, email invitations will be sent to Service Unit Fall Product Manager and Troop Fall Product Managers to access the M2 online system.

Key Dates

October 1 - Nov. 24Fall Program Sale Dates
Oct. 1Girls can begin sending emails and taking in-person orders.
Oct. 20Parents enter orders from their paper order card orders.
Oct. 23Troop Leaders enter any missed paper order card orders.
Order forms and girl delivery orders due to troop.
Oct. 27The Girl Delivered store closed.
Service Units enter any missed paper order card orders.
Nov. 16-17Metro Area Delivery
Nov. 24Online Stores Close
Nov. 26Girl Reward Choices Due
Dec. 8Parent Outstanding Form (T17) Due
Dec. 9Money Due in Troop Account
Dec. 12Fall ACH
Jan. 2025Girl Rewards Arrive

Troop Incentives

Troops will earn 15% on all sales.

Troops who sell $1,250+ in Combined Dollars will receive an exclusive Cookie booth selection. Includes orders placed by 10/29/23.

Troops who sell $2,250+ in Combined Dollars Earn an extra $.02 per package sold in the 2025 Cookie Program. (A credit adjustment will be added to eBudde at the end of the cookie season, before the final ACH.) OR $75 Program Credits  

Information for Families

Parent permission form can be accessed here.  Please be sure to ask your parents to put your Fall TROOP Product Program manager's email into this form so that the program manager can track who has signed this form.  This is the email of the person who signed the Troop Product Manager form.

Families can sign up for the online portal here.

View a sample order card here.  Scroll to the bottom to view the available incentives for individual girls or view descriptions here.