Saturday, April 29, 2017

Financial Reports due May 31

In a effort to streamline Financial Reports this year, Council is requesting that all Financial Reports be completed on line.  To do this, you must log onto the Girl Scouts Arizona Cactus-Pines website and go to "My GS."  Once logged in, select "Volunteer Toolkit" and then "Finances."  The online form will then load to fill in.

The Financial Form (MS-23) can be found in "Forms Library."  It is not a mandatory requirement this year to complete your detailed cash summary or include your bank statement.  However, you should know all your income and expenses for this current year;  random audits will occur.  Please keep copy of your MS-23 and your bank statement.  I will accept hard copies to submit should you feel more comfortable. Stacy and I will be receiving a report from council of Troop reports filed and not filed. 

Troop Finance reporting is a condition of auditing and must occur yearly.  Due dates for Troop Finance Reports should be turned in at time of troop renewal.  GSACPC is requesting all reports must be submitted to them by September.  

I strongly suggest that you complete your MS-23 by end of May.  It is the completion of your Girl Scout Year, and your year's accomplishments are fresh in your mind.

You may email me with any questions,
Pat Dallas

Monday, April 24, 2017

May Leader's Meeting Agenda


Neighborhood Networking: What's your job? What's your hobby?

MSE Report -- Susan Rees
Finance Reports -- Pat/Stacey
Recruitment 2017 -- Diana
Enrichment 2017-2018 -- Diana
Event Planning/Sign up 2017-2018 -- Diana
Super Troop Tshirt -- Diana


TONIGHT: Leader's social at Goldies, 8:15 pm

Father/Daughter Dance -- May 5 -- Kate, 1736
Baseball Sleepover -- June 9th -- Diana, 2256
Day Camp -- June 19-23, 2017 -- Diana, 2256
Ice Skating -- August 26th -- Diana, 2256

Back to School Ice Skating 2017

Come one, come all to the annual back to school ice skating event.  This is a great event to invite potential new Girl Scouts to attend!  Each troop should have at least one adult in attendance (adults generally sit in the lobby and socialize).  Collectively we will then have enough leaders to meet ratio guidelines.

When: August 26
Arrival Time: 5:45
Skate Time: 6:15-8:15
Where: Ice Den,  9375 E. Bell Road
Cost: $6 (includes skate rental)

Siblings may attend as well, since this is a public skate but parents are responsible for their supervision.

If you have a Girl Scout t-shirt, wear it to the skating rink!

Please drop a note to with a guess on attendance and also let me know if you are interested in me ordering participation patches.  Cost will be $1.  

Patches must be ordered and paid for at the Ice Den.  If you are not doing troop orders for patches, please convey to your parents that they have to find Diana in order to order and pay for and get a patch!  Patches will be ordered AFTER the event and delivered at the leader's meeting.

Girl Scout Sleepover at Chase Field

Date: Fri Jun 09, 5:00 PM - Sat Jun 10, 7:00 AM MST
Location: Chase Field

Come enjoy a fun and exciting opportunity with your fellow Girl Scouts for a sleepover at Chase Field! Before the game, walk on the warning track with your troop in our Girl Scout Parade and get a free D-backs Girl Scout patch!  Details about the night will be emailed when orders are received. 

Register now as a troop:

Or register to go with Pima Neighborhood.  To do so, contact Diana.  We will purchase Upper-level tickets.  This would be a good leader/daughter activity!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Leader's Awards 2017

Lee Kline and Diana Laulainen-Schein were each awarded the Girl Scout Appreciation Pin at the volunteer appreciation tea on April 22, 2017.

Emiko Bolton and Michelle Rigbsy were awarded the Volunteer of Excellence pin for their service to Pima Neighborhood.

The following women were recognized for their years in Girl Scouts at the Leader Dinner on April 3, 2017:

Emi Bolton (Troop 1627) – 3-Year Leader Pin, 5 Years of Service Pin & 5-year Member Numeral

Barbara Rodriquez (Troop 1710) – 3-Year Leader Pin, 5 Years of Service Pin & 10-Year Membership Numeral

Ashlye Kennedy (Troop 2649) 5 Years of Service Pin & 10-Year Membership Numeral

Melissa Pelock  (Troop 1627) – 3-Year Leader Pin

Sherrie Noll (Troop 83) – 20-Year Membership Numeral

Richelle Hopkins (Troop 1710) – 3-Year Leader Pin

Julie Gregory – 45 Years of Service Pin & 50-Year Membership Numeral

The following women were not able to attend, but will be receiving their pins at the May Leader Meeting:

Kate Janson (Troop 1736)– 3-Year Leader Pin

Diana Day (Troop 1736)- 10-year Membership Numeral

Starr Vinyard (Troop 1736) – 5-Year Membership Numeral

Sarah Suraci (Troop 1736) 3-Year Leader Pin & 5-Year Membership Numeral

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Day Camp 2017


What is Summer Day Camp?

An awesome, week-long summer day camp that is the "Happiest Day Camp on Earth."

Daily activities include swaps & crafts, science, dance, music, and sports.  Our day camp fills up fast because it's so fun, so register now!

Day Camp is planned and organized by Girl Scout Troop 2256, a multi-level Girl Scout troop from Pima Neighborhood (part of Girl Scouts―Arizona Cactus-Pine Council, Inc.).  Camp activities are led by volunteer Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts and supervised by adult volunteers. 


June 19-23 (Monday-Friday), 9 am-2 pm daily.  Girls can be dropped off starting at 8:45 each day so that they camp day can start promptly at 9 am.


Girl Scout Camp will be held at Mountain View Presbyterian Church at  8050 E Mountain View Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85258  

Who Can Attend?

Day Camp is limited to 100 Campers (Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Girl Scouts, who have just completed K-5 grades in May).  Our staff will be 20 older girl volunteers (grades 6+) and at least 10 adult volunteers (18+ years).

**Girls must have current membership with Girl Scouts.** 

Membership is $15 and girls need not join a troop (although we are happy to assist you in finding a permanent Girl Scout home).  This fee provides girls with an insurance policy.

What is the Cost?

$100 per girl.  There will be no refunds or partial refunds for any reason. Registrations received after May 1st will be $150 per girl.

We need adult volunteers.  To guarantee a spot for your camper, agree to help as an adult volunteer!  

You can earn a rebates of up to and $100 if you agree to help as an adult volunteer.

How Do I Register?

Fill in this online form and then mail your completed permission slip/health form with a check for $100.  Both steps must be completed by May 1st in order to secure a spot at camp.

Here is the registration link:

The registration link for adult volunteers is here:

The registration link for older girl volunteers is here:

Could Camp Be Cancelled?

No way!  Summer Day Camp 2017 will happen rain or shine!  The only reason camp could be cancelled is if there are not enough adult volunteers to meet minimum safety standards.  If cancelled, all campers will be notified and registration fees refunded.  You can help us out by giving us a day or two of your time!

What Does my Girl Scout Need to Bring?

Everyone should bring their own sack lunch Monday through Friday. Everyone should also bring a bottle of water each day.  Refrigerators and microwaves are not available.  

Girls need to wear closed-toe shoes and we encourage girls to according to the theme each day.

The themes for the week are as follows:
  • Monday: Jungle theme (think: Tarzan, Lion King, Jungle Book)
  • Tuesday: Princesses (just your favorite fairy tale princess: Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty... etc)
  • Wednesday: Ocean (think: Nemo, Little Mermaid)
  • Thursday: Pirates (think: Peter Pan or Caribbean)
  • Friday: Ice and Snow Day (We're planning a very FROZEN day)
Drop Off, Pick Up, and Safety

We will strive to meet every Girl Scout safety recommendation.  All girls must be signed in and out by a parent/guardian each day.  If she is going home with someone else, we must receive a note from the parent.  Please pick up your camper on time.  No supervision will be provided after 2:15 pm.  

What About...?

For more information, please contact Girl Scout Troop 2256 at

Monday, April 10, 2017

A Night in Paris: Annual Father-Daughter Dance

Pima Neighborhood Girl Scouts Present:     A  Night 
in Paris
For Our Annual Father Daughter Dance

Friday, May 5, 2017 6:30 – 8:30 pm Mountainside Middle School  
11256 N. 128th Street Scottsdale, AZ  85259

(Park and Enter on West Side) 

Cost: $10 per person  

Dress: Glitzy

RSVP required by: Monday, April 24

Please fill out the form below and return with payment to Troop 1736 at:
15757 N. 90 Place, #1167, Scottsdale, AZ 85260  

Troop Number:_________________________________________

Father’s Name:_________________________________________

Daughter’s Name:_______________________________________

House Address: ________________________________________

Phone Number:_______________________________________


*Please make checks payable to “Pima Neighborhood”
*P.S. If a dad is not able to attend, a related male over 18 may stand in. 


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Get Out Challenge

Everybody who went to the Neighborhood Encampment or Camp BASIC should have earned the patch!

To earn the patch they need to register!  As an individual or as a troop.
To sign up, go here: then click "Submit Your Points"and fill out the info (you would create a new team name if you don't have one yet).

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Cookie Reward! Girl Members Receive $10 off Registration

Our girls reached an incredibly high stretch goal and sold 3 million packages of cookie this year! As a result, all participating girls who sold 15+ packages have earned $10 towards their 2017-2018 membership fees when they register by May 1. Our incredible cookie season wouldn't have been possible without the support of our community. A big thank you goes to our friends at Basha's, Fry's, Safeway, and Wal-Mart for supporting over 24,000 cookie booths this season. 

Here is the renewal form: