Monday, November 15, 2021

Cookie Rally 2022

 Cookie Rally!!!!!

January 7, 2022

Notre Dame Prep Cafeteria


  • Play fun games!

  • Practice selling cookies!

  • Learn about Digital Cookie!

  • Set cookie goals!

  • Learn about your favorite cookies!

  • Have fun!

Bring canned goods for Troop 4339’s food drive! There will be a drop-off box here!

Cost: $2 (covers patches)

RSVP by 12/13/21 here  (

Please include troop number, troop leader, and number of girls attending.  Checks should be payable to Pima Neighborhood.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Brownie Book Club

Update - this meeting has been moved to Virtual on zoom. With Holidays approaching, I want to err on the side of caution. 

I am excited for us to have our next virtual Brownie Book Club on Saturday, November 20 at 3pm. We will be finishing the first book in our Sister Grimm series - The Fairytale Detectives! During our last meeting, we talked about fractured fairytales and how you can write your own fractured fairytale. The girls expressed interest in writing their own books, so I will be planning some activities to create our own books. Excited to continue our reading journey! 

If you want to join the fun, sign up via the Book Club interest form.  Once you are signed up, you will receive the Zoom link.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

December Leader's Meetings


Our leader's meeting will be at either 10 am or 7 pm on Monday, December 6.

Where: Meetings will be held in-person at the Boys and Girls Club (10515 E Lakeview Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85258). The Boys and Girls Club require that all persons entering their building wear masks.

Social gathering at Goldies following the evening meeting (approximately 8:15 pm)
  • Older Girl Opportunities
  • Service Team Member Positions Available
  • Level books available (free-- arrange pick up at Diana's)
  • Robotics Workshops available in person and online 
  • Current Covid Guidelines from Council 
  • Leader Meeting Dates 2021-2022
  • 2020-2021

    Community Service Project: Nursing Home Video
    December 7, 7 pm, Drop-In Cookie Training (Focus on Initial Orders)
    December 14, 6:30, Holiday Service Team Meeting
    December 18, 8 am, Jingle Bell Hike

    Community Service Project: Food Drive for the Navajo Nation
    January 4, 7 pm, Drop-In Cookie Training (Focus on Inventory Management)
    January 7, 6 pm, Cookie Rally at Notre Dame
    January 11, 7 pm, Drop-In Cookie Training (Open Forum)
    January 16, 2 pm, Brownie Book Club

    February 13, 9 am, Outdoor Badge Workshop
    February 13, 1 pm, Community Service Day
    February 27, Thinking Day (2256/4727)

    March Community Service: Jared Boxes, due March 31 (2256/4727)
    March 20, 11 am, Outdoor Skills Day
    March 25-27, Spring Encampment, Marapai

    April Service Project: Earth Day
    April 2-3, Camp B.A.S.I.C.

    May Service Project: DIY Toys for Animal Shelters
    May 4, Older Girl Bridging

    July 11-18 (tentative): Day Camp: Time Traveler

    Pima Neighborhood Service and Leadership Shirts

    Pima has been ordering neighborhood  shirts for many years.  The back of the shirt is sort of a history lesson in all the activities that have been planned and hosted or enjoyed by older girl troops and groups in the neighborhood.  

    It changes to reflect the numbers of the current troops that have girls in grades 6-12 and are, therefore, considered what we used to call the Super Troop but we now call the service and leadership team.   All girls in these grades are welcome and encouraged to participate in the many volunteer opportunities we have to run events in Pima or to choose an event of their own to host. If you are an adult volunteer, you are also automatically a part of this team.

    The shirts became a "thing" one year when we watched the various troops group themselves at a cookie rally based on their troop or cookie shirts.  We could visually see that the girls weren't crossing troop boundaries and we thought that designing a shirt that we could all wear to emphasize that we are all on one team. Without hard evidence, it does appear that the strategy worked; we have many girls making friends across the neighborhood!

    We have a new design out in 2021 and we are devising an "on-demand" system to order shirts so it's time to let us know if you want a new shirt!  Older girl troops will be receiving a survey asking how many or each size they may want and we'll be sending out a call for other people to place orders soon.

    Pima's Daisy First Cookie Booth Program

    Pima has a program that pairs Daisy Girl Scouts and Daisy Parents with an older troop for their first cookie booth experience.  Here are the rules:

    • The expectation is that girls will attend for about 15 minutes to get just a taste of what it is like.  
    • Last year, girls chose to stay longer, and that is up to you when you are there.
    • A registered parent must attend with their Daisy.
    • Girls should come in uniform (white shirt, black bottoms, vest).
    • Daisies will receive a patch for attendance.
    Please note, if you open up your booth to Daisies, you must still adhere to cookie booth staffing guidelines. No more than FOUR girls at a booth at any time.  Troops 2010 and 2256/4727 have opted to staff to a maximum of two older girls per booth to accommodate Daisy slots.

    Once booth selections are set, we will set up a Sign Up Genius for Daisies to participate. The link will appear here in January.