Friday, December 7, 2018

How to Place and Initial Cookie Order

1. Decide what you will be ordering using the cookie calculator/previous year's sales/date from girls and parents.

If you need help, contact Teresa and have a conversation about numbers.

2. Go into eBudde and select the tab marked "Init. Order"

3. Assign ONE box of thin mints to each girl who is selling.

4. Go down to the " OTHER" line and place the remainder of your order IN CASES. (You input box numbers to make full cases. In other words, all totals must be in multiples of 12). 

When you are done there should be only zeroes in the line marked "Extras." Any numbers listed in that line indicate you did not order a full case.  Please adjust.

At this point, you can hit save if you are not entirely satisfied with your numbers.  Once you are satisfied, go to step 5.

5. Once complete, click submit order.

6. Go to the "Rewards" tab.

7. Click "Fill Out" next to "Intial Rewards Order"

8. Take note of the PGA-Selling number.  If it is UNDER 175, click "Submit Reward Order" (no rewards due).  

If the PGA-Selling number is 175 or above, fill in the the girl sizes for those selling/receiving the awards.  These sizes will then populate into the first block of tshirts (shaded blue). 

Then select 1 and the size for your free volunteer shirt (second block of sizes, shaded white).

Then, if you want to order up to three more shirts at a cost of $7 for other volunteers, fill in the last block.

9. Hit button marked "Submit Reward Order."

Cookie Percentages

Here is a best guess at what to take to a cookie booth:

  • 5 or 6 cases of Thin Mints
  • 4 cases of Samoas
  • 3 cases of Tagalongs
  • 2 cases Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils, & Savanah Smiles
  • S’mores sold close to Tagalong levels last year
  • 1 case Toffee-tastics

In addition, here is a breakdown of the percentages of each flavor sold in the past years in Troop 2256.

39.4% Thin Mints
18.6% Samoas
13.5% Tagalongs
7.7% Do-si-dos
6.5% Trefoils
4.3% Savannah Smiles
2.9% Toffee Tastics
7.0% S'mores

40.0% Thin Mints
19.6% Samoas
13.5% Tagalongs
6.2% Do-si-dos
7.1% Trefoils
5.0% Savannah Smiles
2.8% Toffee Tastics
5.8% S'mores

33.5% Thin Mints 
19.7% Samoas
14.2% Tagalongs
8.6% Do-si-dos
6.9% Trefoils
5.6% Savannah Smiles
2.4% Toffee Tastics

The following chart reflects percentages sold in the council in 2018.

Here's some more council data on cookies.  Last year, there was a perception that we were running out of cookies and a supplemental order was placed.  If you look at the numbers on the right, you can see they ordered an additional 270 packages of Savannah Smiles but were left with an overage of 8278 packages at the end of the sale. Clearly, the reorder was not necessary.  What then was happening? Troops were hanging on to cookies rather than trading them out early in the sale.

Notice too that we had leftovers of most flavors, except toffees, which were not available except for pre-order.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Cookie Booths 2019


  • Enter all your self-scheduled booths into eBudde for approval.
  • Cancel any booths that you will not use.  If you can't make a booth offer it to a fellow Pima troop on Facebook or send a note to Pima Neighborhood before cancelling so we can keep the booth in our neighborhood. 
  • Bring your own equipment and supplies (a SMALL table, tape, carts, signs, etc).
  • Talk to parents and girls about expectations and behavior.
  • Wear Girl Scout identification. You will do better at a booth if your girls wear matching/troop tshirts with vests/sashes.  The more professional you look, the better you will do.
  • Have girl health forms with you, as well as a MS-27 emergency card for reference.
  • Take written proof of booth scheduling from eBudde with you.
  • Take a signed agreement to AJs or Basha's to give to the manager. 
  • Arrive five minutes before your booth start and leave promptly when your time is over.
  • Check in and out with the store manager and give him/her a thank you note.
  • Follow store set-up rules.
  • Follow any directions given to you by the store managers and employees.
  • Be polite to customers, store employees, fellow Girl Scouts, and adult volunteers at all times but particularly if you encounter a confrontational situation.
  • Keep less than $100 in your cash box.
  • Leave the booth space cleaner than you found it. Take all your trash with you, especially your empty cases.


  • Do not contact Basha's, Food City, AJ's, Walmart, Sam's Club, Albertson's, Safeway, Fry's, Target, Joanne's, Goodwill, or ASU.  Booths for these places are only scheduled by council and are available via Ebudde.
  • Don't booth at locations that are not girl appropriate such as marijuana dispensaries or bars.
  • Do not fill store garbage cans with empty boxes.  Take them with you.
  • Do not sit on or use store merchandise (for example, do not sit on patio furniture that is for sale).
  • Do not use store property (for example, do not use store carts and do not sit on store furniture that is intended for their customers' use).
  • Do not eat or allow your girls to eat at a cookie booth.
  • Do not let girls sing, shout, or chant.
  • Do not bring bags from other stores to a booth. (No Fry's bags at Walmart, for example).
  • Do not block the door.
  • Do not bring non-Girl Scout friends and/or siblings.
  • Do not staff your booth with more than four girls at a time.
  • Do not take bills over $20.
  • Do not take checks.
  • Do not ask store managers to mediate any conflict.
  • Do not argue in front of customers, girls, or store employees.


2019 Annual Meeting

We’re getting ready for the 2019 Annual Council Meeting! It will be held Saturday, April 27, 2019, starting at 8 am at the Parsons Leadership Center at South Mountain. If you are a Girl Scout aged 14 and older, you can represent Pima at this meeting.  

We need 12 delegates for the meeting and priority will be given to those who did not attend last year.  Girl members will be given priority over adult members. 

Please fill in this form if you would like to be a delegate: Pima Annual Meeting Delegates

Deadline to sign up is February 4th.

Current seats remaining: 2

Cookie Rally 2019

Friday January 11, 6-7:30 pm 

Mountainside Middle School Cafeteria


- Best blinged booth 
- Best blinged wagon 

  • Sample the new cookies!
  • Play Cookie Bingo!
  • Practice your Sales Pitch
  • Learn about the new Digital Cookie 
  • Vote for your favorite Cookie
  • Learn to set your Sales Goal
  • Get Ideas for Gift of Caring, Troop Trips, and Troop Activities
  • Crafts
  • Cookies
  • Fun!


Sponsored by troops 2064 and 877 and Pima Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts 

COST: $3/GIRL (includes patch!) 

Please make checks to Pima Neighborhood. Register by 12/20/2018 or turn in at the neighborhood meeting on December 3rd. 

December Leader's Meeting


Old Business
New Business
  • Cookie Questions — Teresa
    • Initial Order Due
    • Delivery Date and Process/Volunteers


TONIGHT: Leader's social at Goldies, 8:15 pm

December 9, 3-4 pm Caroling (Dorthea/Kendra)

December 13, Leader Holiday Party (Teresa/2256)
(​Gift Wrapping)
January 11, Cookie Rally (Maria/ 2064)
January 12-13, Camp B.A.S.I.C.

February 24, Thinking Day (Diana/2256) 
  • Countries taken: Japan, France, Hungary, Turkey, India, Greece, England
​Father/Daughter Hike + Breakfast (Cindy/6275)​
Mother/Daughter Tea (Laura/3722)
March 1-3,Spring Encampment at Shadow Rim (Lee/2010)
Father/Daughter Dance (Holly/1265)
Safety Workshop for Older Girls (Savannah/Diana)
​April 1, Leader's Gala (Michelle/Pat/Diana)​
April 6, 2-4 Feed My Starving Children (Tracey/4307)
* April 7Theater: James and the Giant Peach (Kelle/Diana; 2010/2256)​ 
  • 54 Seats Sold
April 27, Annual Meeting

May 1Older Girl Celebration/Bridging (Michelle/Diana​​)​

 *June 10-14th, Day Camp/PA Training (Diana/Lee) 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Cookie Training 2018-2019

Cookie Training 

Cookie training will be held November 5 at the Boys and Girls Club (our usual meeting location: 10515 E. Lakeview Drive, Scottsdale) at either 10 am or 6:30 pm.  Training will last at least an hour and is mandatory for any troops participating in the 2019 cookie sale. Troop sales items will be available at that meeting.

Any person who wishes to have access to Ebudde must attend training.
REMEMBER: The cookie rally will be held January 11th!

Troop Product Manager Agreement

Please have your cookie manager and anyone else who wants/needs access to Ebudde sign the Troop Product Manager Agreement located here:

Please remind him/her that our service unit is Pima.


Cookie Manual

Your cookie program manual is NOT a disposable.  They intend to use that same manual for years to come and hand out only the Troop Supplements each year. Therefore, do NOT throw out your cookie manual after the sale is over this year. Think Green!  Click here for the electronic version.

Ebudde Manual 

The eBudde manual is only available online

Initial Order Calculator

Don't know how many cookies to order initially. The council has an initial order calculator here.

Cookie Price

Cookie are again $5 for the Super Six this year. Gluten-free Toffee-tastics and Smores varieties are $6.  Troop proceeds are 90 cents per box.

Cookie Cupboard 

Please remember to check eBudde before you head to a cupboard. Hours can and do change on a daily basis. For the safety of volunteers, addresses for cupboards may only be found in eBudde.

Be sure to place an order before you head out to cupboard and be sure you know your eBudde password.  You cannot pick up cookies without your password.

Pima Neighborhood Troop to Troop Transfer Link

If you need cookies or want to trade out extra cases, you follow this link to network with your fellow troop cookie managers in the Pima and Fountain Hills area.

Cookie Training Review

Cookie Sale Dates
  • November 3 Cookie Booth Rounds Begin – troops may earn 2 early bird slots – one for early troop registration (by July 1) – a second for $350 troop sales in the Fall Program.
  • November 10: Cookie Booth Round 1 - two picks – starts at 9:00 am 
  • November 17: Cookie Booth Round 2 - two picks – starts at 9:00 am  
  • December 1: Cookie Booth Round 3 - two picks – starts at 9:00 am  
  • December 8: Cookie Booth Round 4 - two picks – starts at 9:00 am  
  • December 15: Cookie Booth Round 5 – four picks - starts at 9:00 am 
  • December 22: Cookie Booth Round 6 – unlimited picks - starts at 9:00 am  
  • December 9: Troop Initial Order Due  
  • January 4: Parents can access Digital Online Cookie Program
  • January 11: Cookie Rally 
  • January 19-20: Delivery
  • January 21: Sale Starts
  • February 7: First ACH draw 
  • February 21: Second ACH draw
  • March 3: Sale Ends
  • March 7: Troop Rewards Entered into eBudde
  • March 11: Outstanding Parent Balance Form Due 
  • March 14: Final ACH
Please remember to stress to all girls/families that they may not sell before January 21 at 9 am.

Cookie Contacts

General Questions, please email Teresa, Pima Neighborhood (Diana), or Lee.  

Cookie Distribution and Cupboard questions should go to Diana first.
    Please refer to the neighborhood roster sheet for phone numbers and emails.

    2019 Cupboard Guidelines

    Cupboard Guidelines

    Some Rules...

    • You may not pick up your initial order at a cupboard. If you did not place a pre-order, you must go to the council warehouse to do that. Orders will be limited to 192 boxes per troop in the first week.
    • You must pick up by the case only.
    • You may NOT return cookies to the cupboard but you may trade in any of the $5 varieties and you may exchange damaged boxes and cases.
    • Toffee-tastics and Smores may not be traded in for other flavors.
    • Please place your cupboard order in eBudde before you go to the cupboard.  Please do not place orders more than 48 hours in advance. Orders placed more than 48 hours in advance will be deleted.
    • You must have your eBudde password when you go to the cookie cupboard. You cannot pick up cookies without it.
    • The address for the cupboard's is in eBudde. Please do not text or email for the address.  

    Please remember, all the cupboard workers are volunteers. Be patient. Be kind. 

    Wednesday, October 24, 2018

    November Leader’s Meeting Agenda


    • Introductions
    • Investiture/Rededication
    Old Business
    New Business


    TONIGHT: Leader's social at Goldies, 8:15 pm

    November 4, 2-4 pm, Juliette Low Birthday Party (Maria/4402)
    November 7, First Aid/CPR Training, part deux
    November 17Older Girl Event: Own the Night at ASU East (2256/2010/Council)
    November 30Songfest (Terri/83)

    December 9, 3-4 pm Caroling (Dorthea/Kendra)

    December 13, Leader Holiday Party (Teresa/2256)
    (​Gift Wrapping)
    January 11, Cookie Rally (Marilyn/Maria/ 2064)
    January 12-13, Camp B.A.S.I.C.

    February 24, Thinking Day (Diana/2256) 
    • Countries taken: Japan, France, Hungary, Turkey, India, Greece
    ​Father/Daughter Hike + Breakfast (Cindy/6275)​
    Mother/Daughter Tea (Laura/3722)
    March 1-3,Spring Encampment at Shadow Rim (Lee/2010)
    Father/Daughter Dance (Holly/1265)
    Safety Workshop for Older Girls (Savannah/Diana)
    ​April 1, Leader's Gala (Michelle/Pat/Diana)​
    April 6, 2-4 Feed My Starving Children (Tracey/4307)
    * April 7Theater: James and the Giant Peach (Kelle/Diana; 2010/2256)​ 
    • 59 Seats Sold
    Annual Meeting

    May 1Older Girl Celebration/Bridging (Michelle/Diana​​)​

     *June 10-14th, Day Camp/PA Training (Diana/Lee) 

    Monday, October 1, 2018

    Join Girl Scouts!

    Pima neighborhood serves girls living in the Desert Mountain complex (Redfield, Laguna, Anasazi, Cheyenne, Copper Ridge, DCES, DCMS, Mountainside, Desert Mountain, Archway, BASIS, and Scottsdale Prep).

    If you are interested in joining a troop in our neighborhood, please fill in this form.

    Angel Tree Volunteering 2018

    Register now to be a volunteer at the Salvation Army and be prepared to pick your dates to work the Angel Tree around the end of October.

    Shifts will be available from November 15-December 20th.

    Working at the Christmas Angel booths involves taking in toy donations, helping sign out Christmas Angel Tags. and answering all questions from donors.
    • Girl Scouts under 12 are NOT allowed to volunteer for this venue. All Girl Scouts aged 13 years to 17 years of age must be supervised by two adult volunteers, one of whom is over 21 who has signed up and agreed stay at the tree. 

    Please sign up individually.  There is no reason for a middleman, although I am happy to help you figure out their system.

    Patches will be available for $1. Please send me a quantity when you know how many you need.

    Adopt-a-Family Program

    Adopt-a-Family Program
    Vista del Camino, Scottsdale Human Services

    Many members of our community need the support of others to provide their children with a
    special holiday.  Others may be disabled or elderly and unable to provide for themselves.
    Each year over 400 families are helped for Thanksgiving and 550 for Christmas by the
    Holiday Adopt a Family Program.

    The Holiday Program is hosted by the City of Scottsdale Human Services Division with
    Scottsdale Community Partners, a non-profit organization supporting Scottsdale residents
    in crisis.  Vista del Camino staff provides adopters with a brief biography about the family,
    including gift suggestions and sizes for the children. You are asked to purchase 3 gifts
    chosen from the ‘wish list’ provided by each child (total spend is ~$100.)  Please also
    donate a $30 grocery gift card for the Christmas dinner.  If you wish to provide more
    for the holiday meal, please do so in the form of additional grocery gift cards
    (rather than one larger one.)  In addition to Christmas, Vista will also honor other
    holiday traditions such as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Ramadan.

    Troop signup for the Adopt-a-Family Holiday Program is now through Monday,
    October 29th.  
    We will email sponsored child information as soon as we receive our assignments.

    Thank you on behalf of 100’s of families in need in Scottsdale!
    We’re making the world a better place.
    Holly Snopko & Susan Vargas