Saturday, January 20, 2018

Cupboard Hours/Coverage

Cookie Cupboard Current Coverage:

  • Mondays 10-12 (Lee/Diana)
  • Mondays starting 2/5 -- 4-6 (Kate)
  • Tuesdays 10-12 (Lee/Diana)
  • Wednesdays 10-12 (Lee/Diana)
  • Wednesdays 3-5 (Kat and Abby)
  • Thursdays 10-12 (Lee/Diana)
  • Thursdays 4-7 (Turners)
  • Fridays 10-12 (Lee/Diana)
  • Fridays 3-6 (Serena and Rachel)
  • Saturdays 1-3 (Except 2/3) (Kate)

Extra Coverage as Follows: 

Saturday, March 3rd 10-2 (Marilyn)

SundayFebruary 11 10-2 (Marilyn)
Sunday, February 25th 10-2 (Marilyn)

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

February Leader’s Meeting


Leader Informaton

February 5: Leader's social at Goldies, 8:15 pm

**Sleeping Beauty, Fountain Hills Theater -- February 18/February 24 (SOLD OUT!) -- Diana, 2256 
Thinking Day -- February 25 -- Diana, 2256
Encampment -- March 2-4 -- Lee, 2010
Leader's Gala -- April 2 -- Michelle, Diana, and Pat 
Brownie Father/Daughter Dance -- April 6 -- Troop 231
Camp B.A.S.I.C. -- April 14-15 -- Lee, 2010
Neighborhood Cruise to Alaska -- June 3-10 -- Teresa
Day Camp: Myths and Legends -- June 25-29 -- Troop 2256 (Date Set)

Thursday, January 4, 2018

January Leader's Meeting


Enrichment: Leader Rededication and Investiture

PDF of Ceremony
Word Doc of Ceremony

Leader Informaton
MSE Report -- Susan Rees

Gift Wrap (How'd it go?)

Upcoming Events
Cookie Rally

Product Sales
Cookie Delivery Discussion
-- Sign up for slots on January 9th
Cookie Cupboard Sign Up

Current Coverage:
Monday 10-12; 4-6 (starting 2/5)
Tuesday 10-12
Wednesday 10-12& 3-5
Thursday 10-12 & 4-7
Friday 10-12 & 3-6
Saturday 1-3 (Except 2/3)

Sunday, January 28th 10-2
Saturday February 3,  7-10 am
SundayFebruary 11 10-2
Saturday, February 17th 10-2
Sunday, February 18th 10-2
Sunday, February 25th 10-2
Saturday, March 3rd 10-2

Level Break Out: K-6 and 7-12
K-6: What has gone well so far this year? What are you struggling with?


January 8 : Leader's social at Goldies, 8:15 pm

Cookie Rally -- January 12 -- Marilyn/Maria
**Sleeping Beauty, Fountain Hills Theater -- February 18/February 24 (SOLD OUT!) -- Diana, 2256 
Thinking Day -- February 25 -- Diana, 2256
Encampment -- March 2-4 -- Lee, 2010
Leader's Gala -- April 2 -- Michelle, Diana, and Pat (Note date was incorrect)
Brownie Father/Daughter Dance -- April 6 -- Troop 231
Camp B.A.S.I.C. -- April 14-15 -- Lee, 2010
Neighborhood Cruise to Alaska -- June 3-10 -- Teresa
Day Camp: Myths and Legends -- June 25-29 -- Troop 2256 (Date Set)