Are you passionate about spreading the word about Girl Scouts? What about planning fun and amazing events for girls? Well, we’ve got just the jobs for you…
Maybe you’ve never considered becoming a volunteer on the service unit team. Please consider your talents and whether or not you can help us fill some vacancies on the service team roster for the 2024-2025 year.
The roster is tentative. People may still be moving to new roles, but you should also consider ALL of the roles to be open, as in, we are happy to have you assist with any job that fits your particular skill set. Do NOT count yourself out if you are a first-year leader this year. I am unlikely to approach you in your first year to expand your duties but if you feel you are up to the task, please volunteer!
If you have an active parent volunteer (registered) in your troop who you think would be an asset to the team, please feel free to forward this to them as well.
Volunteer Opportunities
New Leader Mentor
Anasazi School Organizer
Redfield School Organizer
Mountainside Middle School Organizer
Pinnacle Peak School Organizer
Archway School Coordinator
Cookie Team
Events Organizer
Arts Committee
STEM Committee
Community Service Committee
Outdoor Ed Committee