From Council
- Robotics Team Website (applications open to join the team)
- Finance Reports (these were due June 30th)
- All troop members must be re-registered by September 30th
- Communication Guidelines
- Service Team 2024-2025
- Food Handler's Card
- Service and Leadership Team shirts (for leaders and grades 6 and up)
Babysitter's List 2024-2025
2024-2025 CALENDAR
Community Service: Sign up for Adopt a Family Holiday Program
Recommended Troop Activity: Ballet Under the Stars
September 14, 1-3pm Recruitment Event: Robotics Brownie Badge Workshop
September 22, 1-2 pm Junior Patch Workshop: Knowing my Emotions
September 28, 12-2 pm Feed my Starving Children
October 1, 6 pm First Aid Class
October 9, 6 pm First Aid Class
October 14, Garage Sale at the Leader's Meeting
October 18-20, Encampment, Willow Springs
October 18-20, Encampment, Willow Springs
October 26, 2-3:30 pm Recruitment Event: Ice Cream Social
October 31, Deadline for Presidential Service Awards
October 30-31, Haunted Yard
Community Service: Birthday Bags
Recommended Troop Activity: ASU Earth and Space Exploration Day
November 1-5: Community Service: Halloween Candy Collection
November 4, Cookie Training
Recommended Troop Activity: Hike Pinnacle Peak (holiday story usually can be found along the trail during the month of December)
Date Pending: Elf, Jr.
December 4 or 11, Leader's Holiday Social
December 8: Community Service: Beading at Andara Senior Center
December 14, 9 am: Community Service: Wreaths Across America
December 14, 9 am: Community Service: Wreaths Across America
January 4, 9-11:30 am: Community Service: Hearts & Hands Day at St. Vincent DePaul
January 10, Cookie Rally hosted by Troop 4312
January 18 or 19, Cookie Delivery
January 20, Cookie Sales Begin
February 7-9, Council Outdoor Skills Weekend
February 21-22, Robotics State Championship in Prescott
February 23, Thinking Day hosted by Troop 4338
February 28-March 2, Encampment at Marapai
Community Service: Jared Boxes
Recommended Troop Activity: McDowell Sonoran Preserve Family Day
March 2, Cookie Sale Ends
March 22, Gold Award Ceremony
March 29-30 Camp B.A.S.I.C.
April 7, Leader's Gala
April 12, Bronze/Silver Ceremony
April 18-20, Pima Camp Jammin' at Parson's
April 30, Older Girl Bridging
Day Camp