- New Leader Supply Boxes
- Robotics Team Website (applications open to join the team)
- Finance Reports (these were due June 30th)
- Communication Guidelines
- Service Team 2024-2025
- Food Handler's Card
- Service and Leadership Team shirts (for leaders and grades 6 and up)
August 7, 11 am-12 pm Climate Change Patch
August 24, 12:15-2:30 pm Recruitment Event: Ice Skating
August 25, 11 am-12 pm Climate Change Patch
August 31, 1-3 pm Recruitment Event: Robotics Junior Badge Workshop
Recommended Troop Activity: Ballet Under the Stars
September 14, 1-3pm Recruitment Event: Robotics Brownie Badge Workshop
Septmber 22, 1-2 pm Junior Patch Workshop: Knowing my Emotions
September 29, 2-3:30 pm Recruitment Event: Ice Cream Social
October 1, 6 pm (tentative) First Aid Class
October 9, 6 pm (tentative) First Aid Class
October 18-20, Encampment, Willow Springs
October 18-20, Encampment, Willow Springs
October 30-31, Haunted Yard
Recommended Troop Activity: ASU Earth and Space Exploration Day
November 2 (tentative), Juliette Low Birthday Party
November 4, Cookie Training
Recommended Troop Activity: Hike Pinnacle Peak (holiday story usually can be found along the trail during the month of December)
Date Pending: Elf, Jr.
December 4 or 11, Leader's Holiday Social
January 10, Cookie Rally hosted by Troop 4312
January 18 or 19, Cookie Delivery
January 20, Cookie Sales Begin
February 23, Thinking Day hosted by Troop 4338
February 28-March 2, Encampment at Marapai
Recommended Troop Activity: McDowell Sonoran Preserve Family Day
April 7, Leader's Gala
April 18-20, Pima Camp Jammin' at Parson's
April 30, Older Girl Bridging
Day Camp