Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Climate Challenge Patch Workshop

WHO: Girls in grades 5-12

DATE & TIME: 17th August 2024, 11 AM - 12 PM

COST: Free

LOCATION (in person): 10215 E McDowell Mountain Ranch Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85255
The session will take place in Room 2 of the Arabian Library.

**If you are interested in attending the event in-person, register as soon as possible because the space is limited.

The event will also be offered over Zoom on August 25, from 11AM-12 PM.  Please sign up for the Zoom session here.

DESCRIPTION: Our climate is changing. Carbon and other greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. This causes hotter summers and warmer winters. Glaciers are melting, changing beaches and shorelines. Animals and plants are losing their habitats. Weather is more extreme with droughts, hurricanes, and blizzards. The Girl Scout Climate Change Challenge Patch is an opportunity for you to deepen your knowledge about climate change and learn how you can help improve the situation; putting you at the center of science and community action. 

This event is geared towards girls 5th-12th grade, however, if there are younger girls interested feel free to join. PLEASE NOTE that by attending the event you will meet all the requirements needed to earn the patch, however, you will need to purchase the patch will need to be purchased after the event.

MATERIALS: Please bring a charged device (even your phone should be good enough) and a water bottle to keep yourself hydrated.