Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Cookie Sales Information 2017

Cookie training will be held November 14 at the Boys and Girls Club (our usual meeting location: 10515 E. Lakeview Drive, Scottsdale) at either 10 am or 6:30 pm.  Training will last at least an hour and is mandatory for any troops participating in the 2017 cookie sale. Troop sales items will be available at that meeting.

REMEMBER: The cookie rally will be held January 6th!

Cookie Training 

Powerpoint: http://www.eternity.com/gs/Pima_Cookie_Training_2017.ppt

One-page handout for experienced leaders: 
Troop Product Manager Agreement

Please have your cookie manager and anyone else who wants/needs access to Ebudde sign the Troop Product Manager Agreement located here: 


Please remind him/her that our service unit is Pima.



Cookie Manual

Your cookie program manual is NOT a disposable.  They intend to use that same manual for years to come and hand out only the Troop Supplements each year. Therefore, do NOT throw out your cookie manual after the sale is over this year. Think Green!  Click here for the electronic version.

Ebudde Manual 

The Ebudde manual is only available online (to come).

Initial Order Calculator

Don't know how many cookies to order initially. The council has an initial order calculator here.

Cookie Price

Cookie price has gone up to $5 for the Super Six this year. Gluten-free Toffee-tastics and Smores varieties are $6.  Troop proceeds have also increased to 90 cents per box.

FYI. The last cookie price increase was ten years ago.

Cookie Cupboard Link

Please remember to check the spreadsheet before you drive to any cupboard.  Hours can and do change on a daily basis.  In addition, check the "notes tab."  Many cupboards have special instructions and/or will tell you what they have in stock.  Addresses for cupboards were sent via email or may be found in Ebudde.

Be sure to place an order before you head out to cupboard and be sure you know your Ebudde password.  You cannot pick up cookies without your password.


Pima Neighborhood Troop to Troop Transfer Link

If you need cookies or want to trade out extra cases, you have two options.  The first is closer to home and is a list for troops in the Pima and Fountain Hills area. The second will connect you to troops across the valley.


Council Wide Troop to Troop Transfer Link


Cookie Sale Dates
  • November 12 Cookie Booth Rounds Begin – troops may earn 2 early bird slots – one for early troop registration (by July 1) – a second for $250 troop sales in the Fall Program.
  • November 19: Cookie Booth Round 1 – starts at 9:00 am 
  • December 1: Girls uploaded to Ebudde by Council
  • December 3: Cookie Booth Round 2 – starts at 9:00 am 
  • December 10: Cookie Booth Open Booth Slots – starts at 9:00 am
  • December 13: Troop Initial Order Due  
  • January 6: Cookie Rally 
  • January 21: Delivery, sign up for a time slot between 7 and 9 am: Desert Shadows Middle School (5858 E. Sweetwater, Scottsdale) 
  • January 23: Cupboards Open
  • February 9: First ACH draw 
  • March 2: Second ACH draw
  • Sale Dates:  January 23 - March 5

Please remember to stress to all girls/families that they may not sell before January 23 at 9 am.

Cookie Contacts

General Questions, please email Pima Neighborhood (Diana) or Lee  
Cookie Distribution and Cupboard questions should go to Catherine first

Please refer to the neighborhood roster sheet for phone numbers and emails.

Thinking Day 2017

Thinking Day 2017

WHAT: Each year on February 22, World Thinking Day, girls honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts by taking time to give thanks for their international friendships and remember that Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a global community—one of nearly 150 countries that are members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). 

WHEN & WHERE: February 26th, 1:30-4:30 pm
Horizon Park Community Center
15444 N. 100th St, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

COST: $5 per girl and includes a patch and passport.  No charge for leaders. Troops will be issued a refund of up to $4 per girl after the event for those who attend. Last day to register is February 6, 2017.

ATTENDANCE LIMITATIONS: the space will only accommodate 150 participants.  Slots will be filled on a first-come, first-paid basis and then registration will be closed.  Please submit your check made out to Pima Neighborhood with the registration form below.

DIRECTIONS: Each troop needs to pick a country and prepare (and decorate) a booth that includes information, a food, a craft, a SWAP, and a physical activity (game or song, generally) related to their country.  Girls will be issued passports to travel from booth to booth, so a stamp or sticker is needed to have to mark those passports.   Your country choice will be confirmed as soon as you turn in your registration form.


Set up: 1:30 to 2:00
Rotations: 2:00 to 4:00
Clean up: 4 to 430

The following countries have been claimed so far: Japan, Israel, Egypt, Russia, Ireland, France, England, Holland, Italy, Germany, and Spain

Attendance count: 100


Troop #____________________ Level__________________________________

Leader Name______________________ Phone Number____________________ 

Leader Email_______________________________________________________ 

Number of Girls______________ X $5 = ________________________________ 
(Make checks payable to Pima Neighborhood) 

1st Country Choice________________2nd Country Choice__________________ 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Cookie Booth Dos and Don'ts


Be polite to customers, store employees, fellow Girl Scouts, and adult volunteers at all times but particularly if you encounter a confrontational situation.

Cancel any booths that you will not use.  If you can't make a booth offer it to a fellow Pima troop or send a note to Pima Neighborhood before cancelling so we can keep the booth in our neighborhood.

Take written proof of booth scheduling from Ebudde with you.

Do arrive five minutes before your booth start and leave promptly when your time is over.

Leave the booth space cleaner than you found it. Take all your trash with you.

Bring your own equipment and supplies (tables, chairs, tape, carts, signs, etc).

Enter all your self-scheduled booths into Ebudde for approval.

Check in and out with the store manager and give him/her a thank you note.

Follow store set-up rules.

Follow any directions given to you by the store managers and employees.

Wear Girl Scout identification. You will do better at a booth if your girls wear matching/troop tshirts with vests/sashes.  The more professional you look, the better you will do.

Keep less than $100 in your cash box.

Have girl health forms with you, as well as a MS-27 emergency card for reference. http://www.girlscoutsaz.org/content/dam/girlscoutsaz/documents/forms/ms-27-emergency-procedures.pdf


Do not contact Basha's, Food City, AJ's, Walmart, Sam's Club, Albertson's, Safeway, Fry's, or ASU.  Booths for these places are only scheduled by council and are available via Ebudde.

Don't booth at locations that are not girl appropriate such as marijuana dispensaries or bars.

Do not fill store garbage cans with empty boxes.  Take them with you.

Do not sit on or use store merchandise (for example, do not sit on patio furniture that is for sale).

Do not use store property (for example, do not use store carts and do not sit on store furniture that is intended for their customers' use).

Do not eat or allow your girls to eat at a cookie booth.

Do not let girls sing, shout, or chant.

Do not bring bags from other stores to a booth. (No Fry's bags at Walmart, for example).

Do not block the door.

Do not bring non-Girl Scout friends and/or siblings.

Do not staff your booth with more than four girls at a time.

Do not take bills over $20.

Do not take checks.

Do not ask store managers to mediate any conflict.

Do not argue in front of customers, girls, or store employees.

Cookie Cupboard

Some Rules...

  • You may NOT return cookies to the cupboard.
  • Toffee-tastics and Smores may not be traded in for other flavors.
  • Toffee-tastics and Smores are not available at Catherine's cupboard.
  • You must have your Ebudde password when you go to the cookie cupboard. You cannot pick up cookies without it.
  • You must pick up by the case only.
  • Please place your cupboard order in Ebudde before you go to the cupboard.
  • Orders should be placed no more than 48 hours before you wish to pick up at the cupboard.
  • You may not pick up your initial order at a cupboard. If you did not place a pre-order, you must go to the council warehouse to do that.
  • Cupboards *may* limit the number of cases per troop.
  • Please remember to check the spreadsheet before you drive to any cupboard.  Hours can and do change on a daily basis.  In addition, check the "notes tab."  Many cupboards have special instructions and/or will tell you what they have in stock. Addresses for cupboards were sent via email and can be found when entering your order into Ebudde.  

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Storied Lives Seeks Volunteers

Inline image
Service Opportunity for Seniors & Ambassadors! Storied Lives is a program formed to connect the generations by having young people write stories about the lives of the elderly in their community. We enable young people’s lives to benefit from the knowledge of the elderly and the lives of the elderly to be brightened and honored by the young.
We are currently recruiting for the Spring 2017 program to start on or about February 12. Contact Maddie O'Rourke for a timeline and application at: Maddie.orourke@yahoo.com

* This is an approved activity for CAS hours for students in the IB program at DMHS

ASU Badge Day for Juniors

Monday, January 9, 2017

Camp Basic

Camp B.A.S.I.C.

Brownie-Aged Skills and Interest Camping

April 1 - 2, 2017

WHO:   Brownie troops and any first-time campers, grades 2-5.
WHAT:  Learn how to camp and have fun!
WHERE:  Usury Mountain Park, north of Mesa.
WHEN:  Saturday April 1, 12 noon to Sunday April 2, 10am.
COST:   $37.

Activities include:  Fire Safety, Tents, Outdoor Cooking, SWAPS, Knife Safety, Knots, Leave No Trace, Songs, and more!

The cost includes all meals, snacks, lodging, training, SWAPS, crafts, and patch.
Camp B.A.S.I.C. is sponsored by Troop 2010 and is staffed by Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts. Please contact Troop 2010 at gstrp2010@gmail.com with any questions.


Camp B.A.S.I.C. 2017 -- Troop Registration
Registration is due February 6.

Late registration (if space is available) until March 1 : $47

Troop #: _______________________ Leader: ___________________________

Level: ___________ Grade: ________ Email: ____________________________

School: ________________________ Phone: ___________________________

TCC Trained Adult (levels 1+2): _________________________________________

First Aider: _________________________________________________________

(TCC levels 1+2 and First Aider are NOT required but are encouraged!)

Attendees: Girls _____ + Adults _____ = Total Participants ______

Male Adults are welcome, but please let us know so we can arrange separate sleeping areas.

Lodging: If you have your own tents please bring them; otherwise, they will be provided.

If you have your own tents: How many (total) people do they fit? ____________

Allergies: Please let us know of any allergies or dietary issues for any of the attendees:

Amount Due: Total Participants x $37 = __________

  • Please make checks to Pima Neighborhood. Sorry, no refunds can be issued.
  • Please attach a roster listing all attendees, emergency contacts, and age of girls.
  • Send with payment to: Lee, c/o RSI, PO Box 22400, Tempe AZ 85285-2400.
  • Please contact Troop 2010 at gstrp2010@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Friday, January 6, 2017

January Leader's Meeting Agenda


Gold Award -- Maddie

Discussion: Traveling with Girl Scouts (bring your questions and/or your expertise)
  • Progression
  • Paperwork
  • Ideas: Girl-led!
MSE Report -- Susan Rees
Cookie Rally Wrap Up
(need to know in the next two weeks if you're interested)
Cookie Distribution and Staffing -- Diana/Catherine
Cookie Cupboard Staffing -- Diana/Catherine
Troop Camp Certification 2 Opportunities -- Sandy/Lee


Leader's social tonight at Goldie's at 8:15
**Dr. Doolittle -- February 18, 2 pm --- Diana, 2256 (SOLD OUT!)
TCC at Scottsdale Ranch Park -- February 25, 2017 -- Sandy 
Thinking Day -- February 26, 2017 -- Diana, 2256
Encampment -- March 17-19 -- Lee, 2010 
Camp Basic -- April 1-2 -- Lee, 2010
Father/Daughter Dance -- Kate, 1736
** Day Camp -- June 19-23, 2017 -- Diana, 2256

** Recruitment Activities