Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Pima Neighborhood Girl Recognition Event

Pima Neighborhood

Girl Recognition Event

Wednesday, May 2, 7-8 pm
Laguna Elementary Cafeteria

Pima is proud to host its fourth girl recognition event. If you have girls who have earned the Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award, have hosted a neighborhood event, or are seniors in high school, please invite them to this event. This is an opportunity for you to present their awards (that you have purchased) or to publicly acknowledge their accomplishments. Pima will provide flowers for high school bridgers, as well as Silver and Gold Award recipients, as well as a reception for girls and their supporting troops and families.

Girls who have earned their Gold Award should plan to bring their gold notebook and board to the event.

If you have a girls who are in eighth, tenth, or twelfth grade, they may bridge at this event.  All girls will bridge together with girls from other troops in their grade.  Please send me a list of names of girls who are bridging. 

This is a formal, "uniform" event.  Please ask your girls to wear white shirts and black bottoms plus a vest or sash.

For the program, I need the following:
  • Troop #
  • Correct spelling of all girls' names
  • A list of awards.  We recognize "metal" awards earned in since the beginning of the current Girl Scout year (October 1, 2017). "Metal" awards include Presidential Service Awards, service bars and leadership torches, as well as the Bronze, Silver, and Gold awards.  If you wish to recognize other accomplishments, please check with Diana.  
  • A complete record of neighborhood event volunteer service to the neighborhood by each girl

You may also email this information to pima.neighborhood@gmail.com
Deadline for submission is April 25
Absolutely NO Exceptions
If information is not submitted by April 25, it will not be included in the program

March Leader's Agenda


Leader Informaton
MSE Report -- Susan Rees
Service Team Positions -- Diana
  • Anasazi School Coordinator  
  • Redfield School Coordinator
  • Laguna School Coordinator
  • DCES School Coordinator 
  • Cookie Team (always open)
  • Daisy Mentor (new)
  • Junior Mentor (new)
May Leader's Meeting -- Garage Sale!!!
Older Girl Recognitions -- Diana
End of the Year Issues -- Troop Movement

Sleeping Beauty -- Diana
Thinking Day -- Diana
Encampment -- Lee
Cookies -- Teresa, Lee, Diana
         Cookies for the Community
         Survey comments?

Leader Recognition Survey (Please complete before March 8th)
Volunteer of Excellence  (Please complete before March 23rd)
Camp B.A.S.I.C.


March 5: Leader's social at Goldies, 8:15 pm

Leader's Gala -- April 2 -- Michelle, Diana, and Pat 
May Leader's Meeting -- Garage Sale!!!
Brownie Father/Daughter Dance -- April 6 -- Troop 231
Camp B.A.S.I.C. -- April 14-15 -- Lee, 2010
Older Girl Recognitons -- May 2 -- Diana, Troop 2256
Neighborhood Cruise to Alaska -- June 3-10 -- Teresa
Day Camp: Myths and Legends -- June 25-29 -- Troop 2256 

Friday, February 2, 2018

2018 Cookie Sale Information

Cookie Training 

Cookie training will be held November 13 at the Boys and Girls Club (our usual meeting location: 10515 E. Lakeview Drive, Scottsdale) at either 10 am or 6:30 pm.  Training will last at least an hour and is mandatory for any troops participating in the 2018 cookie sale. Troop sales items will be available at that meeting.

Any person who wishes to have access to Ebudde must attend training.

REMEMBER: The cookie rally will be held January 12th!

Troop Product Manager Agreement

Please have your cookie manager and anyone else who wants/needs access to Ebudde sign the Troop Product Manager Agreement located here: 


Please remind him/her that our service unit is Pima.



Cookie Manual

Your cookie program manual is NOT a disposable.  They intend to use that same manual for years to come and hand out only the Troop Supplements each year. Therefore, do NOT throw out your cookie manual after the sale is over this year. Think Green!  Click here for the electronic version.

Ebudde Manual 

The Ebudde manual is only available online.

Initial Order Calculator

Don't know how many cookies to order initially. The council has an initial order calculator here.

Cookie Price

Cookie are again $5 for the Super Six this year. Gluten-free Toffee-tastics and Smores varieties are $6.  Troop proceeds are 90 cents per box.

Cookie Cupboard 

Please remember to check eBudde before you head to a cupboard. Hours can and do change on a daily basis.For the safety of volunteers, addresses for cupboards may be found in Ebudde.

Be sure to place an order before you head out to cupboard and be sure you know your Ebudde password.  You cannot pick up cookies without your password.

Pima Neighborhood Troop to Troop Transfer Link

If you need cookies or want to trade out extra cases, you have two options.  The first is closer to home and is a list for troops in the Pima and Fountain Hills area. The second will connect you to troops across the valley.


Council Wide Troop to Troop Transfer Link


Cookie Sale Dates
  • November 4 Cookie Booth Rounds Begin – troops may earn 2 early bird slots – one for early troop registration (by July 1) – a second for $250 troop sales in the Fall Program.
  • November 11: Cookie Booth Round 1 – starts at 9:00 am (one booth for early registration, one booth for those with $250 in fall product pre-sales)
  • November 18: Cookie Booth Round 2 - starts at 9:00 (2 picks)
  • December 2:Cookie Booth Round 2 - starts at 9:00 (4 picks)
  • December 9: Cookie Booth Open Booth Slots – starts at 9:00 am (as many as you want)
  • December 12: Troop Initial Order Due  
  • January 8: Parents can access Digital Online Cookie Program
  • January 12: Cookie Rally 
  • January 20-21: Delivery
  • January 22: Sale Starts
  • February 8: First ACH draw 
  • February 22: Second ACH draw
  • March 4: Sale Ends
  • March 8: Troop Rewards Entered into eBudde
  • March 11: Outstanding Parent Balance Form Due 
  • March 15: Final ACH
Please remember to stress to all girls/families that they may not sell before January 22 at 9 am.

Cookie Contacts

General Questions, please email Teresa, Pima Neighborhood (Diana), or Lee.  

Cookie Distribution and Cupboard questions should go to Diana first.
    Please refer to the neighborhood roster sheet for phone numbers and emails.