Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Fantabulous Pima Camp Jammin

Join us for a Fantabulous adventure! 

For all ages, Daisies and up!

April 13-14 at Parsons Leadership Center for Girls and Women at Camp South Mountain

Get ready for a weekend of outdoor fun and exploration with friends! Activities include archery, climbing wall, STEM, crafts, slumber party fun, s’mores, and more! 

Older girl counselors are invited to arrive Friday, April 12.

Sign up here.

Monday, December 4, 2023


Camp B.A.S.I.C.

Brownie-Aged Skills and Interest Camping


March 2-3, 2024 


Campers: Brownie and Junior troops, grades 2-5.

Staff: Cadettes and older, grades 6+


Learn how to camp and have fun!

Fire Safety


Outdoor Cooking


Knife Safety             


Leave No Trace                         


First Aid  


and more!


Usury Mountain Park, north of Mesa.


Saturday March 2, 12pm through Sunday March 3, 10am.


$45, which includes all meals, snacks, training, SWAPS, crafts, and patch.

Late registration after January 8:  $60.   Sorry, no refunds can be issued.


Fill out the Camp B.A.S.I.C. online registration form.    Make troop check to Pima Neighborhood. 

Submit payment and a troop roster to Lee, c/o RSI, PO Box 22400, Tempe AZ 85285-2400.  

The roster must contain all adults and girls who are attending and must include an emergency contact not at camp!   Also include girls’ age, allergy/dietary issues.

Camp B.A.S.I.C. is sponsored by Troop 2010 and is staffed by Pima Neighborhood Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts.  Please contact Troop 2010 at with any questions.

Teens can sign up to help at

Spring Encampment

Shadow Rim Ranch

Spring 2024 

Register for spring encampment here!

For troops grades 4 and up

$60 per person + program fees  

includes Saturday breakfast & dinner and Sunday breakfast and a patch

Late fee if space available:  $15

Registration due:  2/5/2024  

Planned Activities:  Canoeing, Archery, Climbing Wall, Zip line (grades 6+), Saturday campfire, SWAPs, lots of fun!

Accommodations:  Various cabins and buildings. We’ll assign sites the week before camp.

Required to Register:  

Roster Form (fill this out or email Lee your roster)

Troop Trip Form (service unit = Pima) 

Payment: Individual families can Venmo Diana. Troop payments must be made by troop check 

(pay to Pima Neighborhood)

send/give checks to: 

Lee c/o RSI, PO Box 22400, Tempe AZ 85285

Required Training:  Each troop must have an adult with First Aid/CPR and Troop Camp Certification 1&2. (Leaders attending with just their daughters are exempt.)   

TCC2 will be held at camp -- click to register for TCC2.

More information:  

General encampment packet           

Shadow Rim Ranch map  

Questions:  Email Lee at

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Cookie Rally

When: January 12, 2024, 6-7:30 pm
Where: Notre Dame Prep Cafeteria
Cost: $2 for girls

  • Play fun games!
  • Practice selling cookies!
  • Learn about Digital Cookie!
  • Set cookie goals!
  • Learn about your favorite cookies!
  • Have fun!

Bring your blinged out wagon and/or blinged out booth set up! PRIZES and patches will be awarded for the best bling.

RSVP here by 1/5/23

Please include troop number, troop leader, and number of girls attending.  Checks should be payable to Pima Neighborhood.

Volunteers can sign up here.

Annual Meeting Delegates Needed

The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2024.


In preparation for this meeting, each Neighborhood must elect their Voting Members at the neighborhood meetings. Voting Members of the council have the responsibility and authority to elect the officers and members of the Board of Directors, Board Development Committee, National Council of GSUSA delegates, and conduct such other business as may come before them. (Bylaws Article I.4) The Voting Members report back to the Neighborhoods in the Governing Areas after the Council Meeting.

We need TEN representatives, as well as some alternates.

Adults and girl members who are age 14 by 9/30/2023 can serve as representatives. 

Sign up here to represent Pima by February 5, 2024.


BROWNIE EVENT: Engineering Design Process and Build

Calling all girls in grades 2 and 3 (Girl Scouts **and** their friends)!  Come visit the FTC Techalongs Robotics Team and learn all about the Engineering Process and do some hands-on building. You'll also get a chance to see the team's robot in action. This is a free event.    

When: January 5, 2 pm to 4 pm

Where: Horizon Park, Meeting Room #1

15444 N. 100th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Sign up here.

For more information on the Techalongs, visit their website.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

December's Leader Meetings Agenda

Our leader's meeting will be at either 10 am or 7 pm on Monday, December 4th. 

Where: Meetings will be held in-person at the Boys and Girls Club (10515 E Lakeview Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85258). 

Social gathering at Goldies following the evening meeting (approximately 8:15 pm)

  • MSE Notes (new insurance guidelines)
    • Robotics 
    • Appreciation Pin Recipients: Teresa, Melissa C, Lesley, Brandy A, and Maria
  • Discussion 
    • Low Attendance Rates: JGL, Holiday Party, Skills Day, Encampment
    • High Attendance: Ice Cream Social, Ice Skating, Elf Jr, Brownie Badge Workshop
  • Annual Meeting Delegates
  • Day Camp Location Summer 2024
  • Cookie Rally
  • Cookie Delivery
  • My First Cookie Booth
  • Other Cookie Questions

December 2023
Recommended Troop Activity: Hike Pinnacle Peak (holiday story usually can be found along the trail during the month of December)
** December 10, 2 pm: Mom and Me Holiday Event: Elf, Jr

January 2024
January 12: Cookie Rally, 6pm @ Notre Dame
January 13 (morning): Cookie Delivery (Sign up here to volunteer; troop pick up times are selected in eBudde)
January 15, 9 am: Cookie Sale Begins

February 2024
February 25: Thinking Day
Father/Daughter Dance TBA

March 2024
Community Service Project: Jared Boxes
Recommended Troop Activity: McDowell Sonoran Preserve Family Day (at the Lost Dog Trailhead)
March 2-3: Camp BASIC

April 2024
April 8, 6:30 pm: Leader's Gala
April 13-14: All-neighborhood Encampment at Parsons (Daisies too!)
April 27: Annual Meeting 

May 2024
May 1: Older Girl Bridging
May 5: Mother's Day Tea (Troop 4637)

June/July 2024
Neighborhood Day Camp

Friday, November 17, 2023

Robotics Competitions

The Techalongs cordially invite all Girl Scouts to attend their competitions to cheer them on.  Matches start about 10 am at any event.  Come for the whole event, or just drop in for an hour or so.  Each qualifier starts with check in and inspections followed by preliminaries that determine who will compete in the finals.  Awards generally start about 4.

Turquoise Qualifier

December 2nd@ Valley Christian Schools - K-8 Campus, 6304 S Price Rd, Tempe, AZ 85283, USA

Valley of the Sun Qualifier

January 27@ ASU West Campus - South Fields, 4700 W Sweetwater Ave, Glendale, AZ 85304, USA

Copper Ridge Qualifier

February 4 @ American Leadership Academy, Applied Technologies, 7729 E Pecos Rd, Mesa, AZ 85212, USA

For more information about FIRST FTC in Arizona, please visit their blog.

For more information on the Techalongs, including how to join the team, please visit their website.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Service Project: Jared Boxes

Troop 2256 invites Pima to send some love to hospitalized children at the Honor Healthcare Shea right here in our neighborhood during the month of February. We are sending out the call NOW because we believe there will opportunities for discounted items over the next months (Black Friday? after holiday sales?) to maximize our efforts. 

Questions may be directed to


A Jared Box is a shoe box full of small toys and activities that are given to children who are hospitalized. The goal of the Jared Box Project is to lift the spirits of children in the hospital. Boxes filled with the "gift of play" are given to young patients in emergency rooms, hospital rooms, surgical centers, and clinics.

The boxes symbolize the importance of play and are filled with well wishes, hope, and love.  


There are a number of avenues you can choose to participate depending on your desired level of participation.  Please fill in this link to report your participation and receive your patches.

Families or troops assemble full boxes by following the directions here. This video shows you how to complete a full box.  


Because these boxes are going to sick children, all items must be new. No food items. No tiny items due to choking hazards. No snow globes or glass items that can break. No pencil sharpeners. No bubbles. No holiday items. Keep in mind, toys need to fit into a plastic shoe box.


Please deliver all completed boxes to Diana between March 14 and March 31. Please wait for an email before delivering.  Gift of Caring cookies need to be cleared from the garage before Jared boxes can be delivered.  


Suggested Toy List (printable list)

Infant (0 to 12 months) 
Soft cover books, cardboard books, rattles, bibs, stacking blocks, farm animal sets, small toys that clip on strollers or cribs, crib mirrors, bath toys, stuffed animals, balls, busy boxes, light up toys, musical toys, Oball toys. Lamaze, Bright Starts, and Sassy brand toys are great. Other toys that are labeled as suggested for infants. Be aware of choking hazards. 

Toddler (1 to 3) 
Soft cover books, cardboard books, stacking blocks, farm animal sets, small toys that clip on strollers or cribs, bath toys, stuffed animals, balls, busy boxes, musical toys, colorful pillowcases, fun socks, chunky crayons, coloring books, picture flashcards, plastic cars and trucks, puppets, soft dolls. Other toys that are labeled as suggested for children under 3. Be aware of choking hazards. 

Preschool (3 to 5) 
Crayons, coloring books, grab-n-go activity kits, Play-Doh, reading books, stickers, sticker workbooks, activity books, matchbox cars, nerf or rubber balls, stuffed animals, flashcards, fun socks, small action figures, small dolls, travel size games, Silly Putty, simple puzzles, card games (Go Fish, Old Maid, Memory), colorful pillowcases, princess crowns, dress up items, farm animal sets, dinosaurs. Other toys that are labeled as suggested for Preschoolers. 

Elementary (5 to 8) 
Crayons, markers, colored pencils, pens, coloring books, word searches, activity books, reading books, joke books, matchbox cars, nerf balls, stuffed animals, stickers, Play-Doh, Silly Putty, Lego kits, craft kits, Slinky, travel games (Sorry, Connect 4), hand lotion, colorful pillowcases, reusable water bottle, fun socks, My Little Pony, action figures, puzzles, deck of cards, UNO card game. Other toys that are labeled as suggested for school-aged children. 

Tweens & Teens (8 and up) 
Crayons, makers, colored pencils, pens, coloring books, word searches, doodle pads, writing journals, Play-Doh, Silly Putty, stuffed animals, card games, Lego Kits, puzzles, brain games, books, magazines, Chapstick, hand lotion, fuzzy/colorful socks, colorful pillowcases, nail polish, jewelry making kits, craft kits, paint sets, reusable water bottle. Other items that are labeled as suggested for teens. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Basic Cookie Sale Information

REMEMBER: The cookie rally will be held January 5th! Details to come.
Access to eBudde

Access to eBudde is granted to registered/background checked individuals who have completed training and filled in this form: 

Registration is verified through GSUSA and access can take some time after submission of your troop product manager (TPM) agreement.  When filling in the TPM, our neighborhood is Pima and the neighborhood email is

Parent Financial Responsibility Agreement

You need a signed form from a parent of each girl in your troop.  Please remember that parents need to put in YOUR email (the cookie manager email) not the neighborhood email on this form.  Cookie managers are responsible for ensuring these forms are signed.  If you need to double check who signed the form, please email

Cookie Manual

The official cookie manual is available only online.  It can be accessed here.

Neighborhood Training Site

The neighborhood training presentation--and lots of other information-- can be accessed here.

Initial Order Calculator

Don't know how many cookies to order initially. The council has an initial order calculator here.  Teresa is happy to look at your numbers and have a conversation about what to order for initial delivery.

Pima Neighborhood Troop to Troop Transfer Link

If you need cookies or want to trade out extra cases, you have two options.  The first is closer to home and is a list for troops in the Pima and Fountain Hills area. The second will connect you to troops across the valley and can be accessed under the exchange button in eBudde.

Cookie Sale Dates
Please remember to stress to all girls/families that they may not sell before January 15 at 9 am.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Cookie Booth Do and Don'ts



Be polite to customers, store employees, fellow Girl Scouts, and adult volunteers at all times but particularly if you encounter a confrontational situation.

Cancel any booths that you will not use.  If you can't make a booth offer it to a fellow Pima troop or send a note to Pima Neighborhood before cancelling so we can keep the booth in our neighborhood.

Take written proof of booth scheduling from eBudde with you.

Do arrive five minutes before your booth start and leave promptly when your time is over.

Leave the booth space cleaner than you found it. Take all your trash with you.

Bring your own equipment and supplies (tables, chairs, tape, carts, signs, etc).

Enter all your self-scheduled booths into eBudde for approval.

Check in and out with the store manager and give him/her a thank you note.

Follow store set-up rules.

Follow any directions given to you by the store managers and employees.

Wear Girl Scout identification. You will do better at a booth if your girls wear matching/troop tshirts with vests/sashes.  The more professional you look, the better you will do.

Keep less than $100 in your cash box.

Have girl health forms with you, as well as a MS-27 emergency card for reference.


Do not contact Basha's, Food City, AJ's, Walmart, Sam's Club, Albertson's, Safeway, Fry's, or ASU.  Booths for these places are only scheduled by council and are available via Ebudde.

Don't booth at locations that are not girl appropriate such as marijuana dispensaries or bars.

Do not fill store garbage cans with empty boxes.  Take them with you.

Do not sit on or use store merchandise (for example, do not sit on patio furniture that is for sale).

Do not use store property (for example, do not use store carts and do not sit on store furniture that is intended for their customers' use).

Do not eat or allow your girls to eat at a cookie booth.

Do not let girls sing, shout, or chant.

Do not bring bags from other stores to a booth. (No Fry's bags at Walmart, for example).

Do not block the door.

Do not bring non-Girl Scout friends and/or siblings.

Do not staff your booth with more than four girls at a time.

Do not take bills over $20.

Do not take checks.

Do not ask store managers to mediate any conflict.

Do not argue in front of customers, girls, or store employees.