Monday, August 15, 2016

August Leader's Meeting Agenda and Recap

MSE Report -- 
Re-registration:  Susan reminded everyone that they need to be reregistered if they haven't already -- they will be propagating all the info into Nut-E next week.

Recruitment -- how did it go?  We did a little brainstorming.

  • Redfield reported a great recruitment, Copper Ridge was lower than expected (perhaps because of the big storms). 
  • Susan Rees said that many schools are planning to attend the upcoming Curriculum Nights as another way to recruit. 
  • Redfield has gone paperless and that's difficult, but other schools are allowing paper flyers.
  • Suggestions from the group were to put GS info into the PTO newsletter. 
  • Julie suggested leaders / organizers decorate a wagon with GS stuff so that parents see it when you go to meetings or around the school.  
  • Lee suggested that maybe a visible service project, such as taking on a garden that everyone sees or committing to raise the flag could raise awareness of GS. 
  • Please do some brainstorming.  (Do schools have morning announcements?)

Council Website -- Susan V.  (Who knew all the information that's on the website???)

Pima Blog

GSUSA National Convention -- Susan V.

Finance Reports -- Pat

Pima Scholarship -- Julie

Summer Day Camp Wrap Up -- Diana  -- it was FABULOUS!!! Several people said they couldn't attend because it was later in the season. Girls and adults said it was great!

Fall Product -- We have packets to hand out.  The dates for the sale are on the envelope!  Sign up on the clipboard for the number of girls selling.  The link for the troop manager agreement will be on the blog soon--or find it on the council website.  Order forms will be handed out at the next meeting, after you've signed the Troop Manager agreement.  The new items include chocolate-covered almonds and pistachios.  Prizes are all koala themed.


Leader's social tonight at Scottsdale Beer Company, 8:15

Back to School Ice Skating - August 27, 6:15 pm  -- we talked about how great this is as a recruitment activity. 

Girls can come if they're interested in GS as long as a parent is there. Girls can bring friends who are interested. It's a great tradition for the troops so they can get together every year and catch up. 

Payment for patches will be at the event and THEN I will order them. Cost is confirmed at $6. It is not a drop-off activity. Each troop needs at least one leader there... individual girls can go with a parent.... basically, each girl needs an adult there that they can go to if there is a problem.  Diana will be there in the lobby the whole time and will take patch orders there.

Service Day -- October 1 -- Marissa

  • We talked about troops sponsoring service projects for this
  • We brainstormed some possible ideas that we could add. 
  • We also emphasized that Cadettes + (or even 5th grade Juniors) could be there to help at the event or even lead a project.

Juliette Low Birthday Party - October 29 -- Stacey

Cookie Rally - January 6, 2017 -- Marilyn

Thinking Day - February 26, 2017 - Diana

Encampments -- tba (no dates yet)

SongFest -- tba

Other upcoming events -- I talked about the Howdy Day we used to do as a "back to school" event.  We talked about how it would be great to have some dances and other events in the fall instead of the spring.
How about a dads & daughters Halloween-themed dance? (the pictures would be sooooo cute!)