Thursday, November 21, 2019

December Leader's Meeting

Our leader's meeting will be at either 10 am or 7 pm on December 2nd at the Boys and Girls Club located at 10515 E Lakeview Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85258.  The evening meeting will be followed by our usual outing to Goldies, starting at about 8:15 pm. 

All volunteers are welcome and we ask that at least one leader from each troop attend. This is the single, best way you can enrich your troop's experience in Girl Scouts and make your job as a volunteer easier.



Introductions Compliments
Caroling (Dorothy/Kendra)
Leader’s Holiday Party (Teresa)
Elves Theater Event (Diana/Kelle)
Initial Cookie Order (Teresa/Catherine et al)
Cookie Rally (Lee)


Quick Recaps
Songfest (Terri) (Troop 4400 in 2020!)
Vista Del Camino (Susan) 


Level Breakouts: Best activity this year, so far

Potential Events
Butterfly Wonderland (Troop 2153)
Father/Daughter Dance
Badge Workshops
Medieval Times
Great Wolf Lodge

December 7, Caroling
December 10, Leader's Holiday Party
December 15, 2 pm, Fountain Hills Theater, Mom-and-Me Holiday Party and Theater Event: Elves and the Shoemaker (2010/2256) 72 tickets sold
Gift Wrapping?

January 10, Cookie Rally (2010/2256/4727)

February 23, 1:30 to 4:30, Thinking Day (2256/4727)
February 29-March 1, Camp B.A.S.I.C. at Usury Park (2010)

Cupcake Wars, Juniors-Ambassadors (Troop 83)
March 28, Powderpuff Derby 

April 17-19Spring Encampment at Camp Maripai (2010)
April 25, Annual Meeting
April 26, Mother's Day Tea, (2469/Ashlye)

May 6, Older Girl Recognitions and Celebration (2256/4727)

June 22-26, Day Camp: Time Traveler

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cookie Rally 2020

January 10, 2020, 6-7:30 pm
Scottsdale Prep
16537 N 92nd St

Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Enter at the back


- Best blinged booth 
- Best blinged wagon 

  • Sample the new cookies!
  • Play Cookie Bingo!
  • Practice your Sales Pitch
  • Learn about Digital Cookie 
  • Vote for your favorite Cookie
  • Learn to set your Sales Goal
  • Get Ideas for Gift of Caring, Troop Trips, and Troop Activities
  • Crafts
  • Cookies
  • Fun!


Sponsored by the Pima Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts 

COST: $3/GIRL (includes patch!) in advance
$5 at the door 

Please make checks to Pima Neighborhood. Register and pay by 12/20/2019 or turn in at the neighborhood meeting on December 2nd. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Caroling 2019


Join us for Caroling and Cookies!

Girl Scouts of all ages are welcome to join us to being cheer to our local assisted-living residents.

When: Saturday, December 7, 3 pm to 4 pm
Where: Sunrise Assisted Living, 7370 E Gold Dust Avenue, Scottsdale AZ 85255
Cost: $2 for badges and treats

Cookies and hot chocolate will be served after the event.

Maximum space is 40 girls.

Hosted by Troop 4995. Please contact Kendra V to RSVP (contact info on the service team roster)

Cookie Training: Booths

Powerpoint of the Training:


  • Enter all your self-scheduled booths into eBudde for approval.
  • Cancel any booths that you will not use.  If you can't make a booth offer it to a fellow Pima troop on Facebook or send a note to Pima Neighborhood before cancelling so we can keep the booth in our neighborhood. 
  • Bring your own equipment and supplies (a SMALL table, tape, carts, signs, etc).
  • Talk to parents and girls about expectations and behavior.
  • Wear Girl Scout identification. You will do better at a booth if your girls wear matching/troop tshirts with vests/sashes.  The more professional you look, the better you will do.
  • Have girl health forms with you, as well as a MS-27 emergency card for reference.
  • Take written proof of booth scheduling from eBudde with you.
  • Take a signed agreement to AJs or Basha's to give to the manager. 
  • Arrive five minutes before your booth start and leave promptly when your time is over.
  • Check in and out with the store manager and give him/her a thank you note.
  • Follow store set-up rules.
  • Follow any directions given to you by the store managers and employees.
  • Be polite to customers, store employees, fellow Girl Scouts, and adult volunteers at all times but particularly if you encounter a confrontational situation.
  • Keep less than $100 in your cash box.
  • Leave the booth space cleaner than you found it. Take all your trash with you, especially your empty cases.


  • Do not contact Basha's, Food City, AJ's, Walmart, Sam's Club, Albertson's, Safeway, Fry's, Target, Joanne's, Goodwill, or ASU.  Booths for these places are only scheduled by council and are available via Ebudde.
  • Don't booth at locations that are not girl appropriate such as marijuana dispensaries or bars.
  • Do not fill store garbage cans with empty boxes.  Take them with you.
  • Do not sit on or use store merchandise (for example, do not sit on patio furniture that is for sale).
  • Do not use store property (for example, do not use store carts and do not sit on store furniture that is intended for their customers' use).
  • Do not eat or allow your girls to eat at a cookie booth.
  • Do not let girls sing, shout, or chant.
  • Do not bring bags from other stores to a booth. (No Fry's bags at Walmart, for example).
  • Do not block the door.
  • Do not bring non-Girl Scout friends and/or siblings.
  • Do not staff your booth with more than four girls at a time.
  • Do not take bills over $20.
  • Do not take checks.
  • Do not ask store managers to mediate any conflict.
  • Do not argue in front of customers, girls, or store employees.


Cookie Training: Digital Cookies

Digital Cookies

  • Digital cookies is our online presence to sell cookies. You many not go onto places like Craig’s List, Next door, eBay etc. to sell cookies!
  • Girls who participate in digital cookie sell 76% more than girls who participate in the traditional sale alone.
  • Troops cannot opt out of Digital Cookie.
  • Girls and parents decide if they want to participate. 
  • All registered girls will be sent a link to register for Digital Cookie on January 3rd.
  • Please encourage all girls to participate in Digital Cookie.
  • Set up your own daughter’s to learn the system (under 13 are with parent/13+ set up their own site with parent approval)
  • Teresa, Diana, or Lee can help parents, but please be that person for your troop.
  • Consider setting up individual girl accounts at a troop meeting as a group.
A valuable resource for Digital cookies can be found on the Girl Scout website 

When you scroll down the two sections are called Digital Cookie Resources & Digital Cookie FAQs.

Cookie Training: Changes for 2020

New for the 2020 cookie season

Booth tab

  • Easy way to release booth locations from dashboard
  • However, check to see if another troop in Pima wants the troop before you release it
  • Visibility into booth waiting list 
Cookie Exchange

Initial Orders

There is an easy way for a troop to see last year’s data for reference right on the initial order tab.  Click on the down arrow and you will see LY (last year) numbers.

New Credit Card Platform (First Data)
  • We will be receiving an email soon describing the app and how to sign up for it.
  • There will be an opportunity to buy a swiper for $40 but the app itself will be free.
  • Council will pay for the transaction fees ONLY Jan-March during cookie season, so it is best not to use it outside that time.

Cookie Training: Mini Sessions Available

If you missed training on November 4th and/or want to talk some more about cookies, please contact Teresa to join her at one of her small cookie sessions. ​

Saturday, Nov 16th 12-1:30
Monday, Nov 25th 10-11:30
Tuesday, Dec 3rd 7-8:30

Cookie Training: Incentives

       Rewards are cumulative
       Distribution 1-3 months post sale

Initial Order Reward
       175+ PGA
       Per Girl Average of the troop’s initial order based on the number of girls selling (not girls registered) in your troop and is submitted at the same time as the Initial Order for troop inventory. 
       Enter Girl Sizes on Ebudde (GIRLS tab)
       EBUDDE TIP: For eBudde to calculate the per girl average (PGA) for the initial order, you must assign ONE package of cookies for each girl selling in eBudde. Most troops assign each girl selling a box of Thin Mints. 
       DUE 12/5

Before the Sale Starts
       Use rewards card for girls’ goal setting
       Participation patch is 15 boxes
       Remind girls/families about Program Credit option
Late February
       Ask girls for Rewards Selections
After Sale (March 1)
       Leader/Cookie Mgr makes selections in Ebudde (REWARDS tab)
       Save selections for each girl
       1 FINAL Troop Submission 
       Super Seller Event dates:
       Due 3/8


Cookie Badges
       Skill-building curriculum customized to cookie sale
       By level
       Purchase at Council Shop


Cookie Pins
       “Cookie Entrepreneur Family” Pins
       Downloadable activity worksheets
       Replaces “Cookie Activity Pin”
       Purchase at Council Shop


       All contest rules and entry forms are available on Council website
       Cookie Flair
o   “Bling Your Booth,” Dress Up Your Wagon,” “Create a Lemonade-style Cookie Stand”
       Mystery Houses
o   First girl to approach a mystery house wins a prize
o   Clues and entry available on website
       Flat Stacie Photo Contest
o   Submit a photo of Flat Stacie with her favorite Girl Scout 
§  Setting up Digital Cookie website, selling cookies, or talking to customers
       Design a Patch Contest
o   Design a Cookies for the Community patch
o   Template and entry on website
       Cookie Commercial Video Contest
o   See website for guidelines and entry info
       Cookie Pro
o   Nationwide contest

Cookie Training: Inventory Management

Inventory Management / Troop to Troop Transfers

To help keep an accurate count of your troop inventory here are a few items to help:

Issue up to 120 boxes only per girl scout, more can be handed out once you receive payment for boxes sold.  Financial agreement covers you by council only up to 120 boxes if needed.  
Write a receipt for EVERY transaction (cookies in, out, transferred, and money received), enter into ebudde in real time to keep an accurate count.  Your numbers can be accessed using the ebudde app.
Keep cases sealed until you need them, the core 6 flavors can be exchanged for other flavors as needed to help from over stocking one flavor.    
Check inventory with girls/families regularly, as a group or individually, making sure they can sell what they have. 
Make sure to keep a record of how many cookies and flavors you take to a booth to make it easier to calculate your booth sales.   
Regularly make bank deposits and count your on-hand inventory to compare with ebudde.    
If your troop choose to give your donated boxes of cookies to an organization of your choice and not through council, your donated boxes can essentially be use as a float until the end of the sale because they will come from your inventory and not from council.  Therefore, every $5 or $6 you collect in donation will buy a box of cookies from your troop inventory. This allows you to “resell” the cookies and replenish your stock closer to the end of the sale as needed.
If you need cookies or want to trade cookies, please go to the Pima neighborhood google doc spreadsheet where troops enter their contact information and available/needed cookies.  

Additionally, there is a cookie exchange program through ebudde that has new material this year and could be helpful but were hoping to help our neighborhood first by using the spreadsheet.  

Cookie Training: Cupboard

Cookie Cupboard

Please keep in mind…..

Facebook Page: Cookie Cupboard 7010

Only approved cookie managers and troop leaders may pick up cookies.

You MUST have an eBudde password to pick up cookies.

Come and ask questions at the cookie cupboard!  The cookie trainer tends to hang out there, especially during the first week.

Inventory fluctuates and so make sure that you get your orders in early.


MUST enter order 24 hours in advance into eBudde under the "transactions" tab.

Check Schedule before coming to the cookies cupboard as schedules change. We can and do close if we have no pending orders.

Be on time for the pick up time that you self-scheduled.

MUST have an eBudde password to pick up cookies.

Be kind, polite, and helpful. 

Follow directions of the cupboard workers.  This includes any girls working the cupboard! 

DO NOT block the neighbors' driveways.

If there is space, back your vehicle in for easier loading.

The cookie cupboard volunteers will pull the cookies and stack them. DO NOT take cookies until they have counted twice and you have signed them out. This helps keep accurate inventory counts.


Specialty cookies will NOT be able to be exchanged at the cupboard.

WHOLE cases of all regular cookies will be able to be exchanged at the cupboard.

Bring all damaged box and cases of cookies to the cupboard to be exchanged during any open hours.

Volunteer Hours

Cadettes and above can volunteer at the cookie cupboard with a registered adult. This will earn them volunteer hours.

All registered adults may sign up on the SingUpGenius link to volunteer to help out at the cookie cupboard. This will allow for the cookie cupboard to be open longer hours. 

If you sign up YOU MUST show up. 

The cupboard hours are scheduled based on the volunteers that sign up. If YOU cancel or no-show a last minute YOU are leaving all of the troops that self-scheduled no way to get their cookies as there is NO back up. 

If you have to cancel then YOU MUST find YOUR replacement and let Catherine or Diana know ASAP who it is.

Review of the Rules...
  • You may not pick up your initial order at a cupboard. If you did not place a pre-order, you must go to the council warehouse to do that. Orders will be limited to 192 boxes per troop in the first week.
  • You must pick up by the case only.
  • You may NOT return cookies to the cupboard but you may trade in any of the $5 varieties and you may exchange damaged boxes and cases.
  • Toffee-tastics and Smores may not be traded in for other flavors.
  • Please place your cupboard order in eBudde before you go to the cupboard.  Please do not place orders more than 48 hours in advance. Orders placed more than 48 hours in advance will be deleted.
  • You must have your eBudde password when you go to the cookie cupboard. You cannot pick up cookies without it.
  • The address for the cupboard's is in eBudde. Please do not text or email for the address.  

Please remember, all the cupboard workers are volunteers. Be patient. Be kind.